
my creative diary :: entry 1

 hi peeps.

so i just published the first chapter of my manga. please don't pressure me to ink it, because i'm not selling it right now. i'm thinking of just sharing it publicly for everyone to enjoy right now. thank you for the support so far. i'm really excited to keep illustrating and telling the story of kimi and her companion, chima. 

i was taking advice from "my mangaka life" youtube channel. she recommended that you should talk to yourself about the plot of the story if you can't write it all down yet, but you have the vision in your mind. my phone was able to automatically transcribe it, so stay tuned for the next few chapters.

the truth is, i am sharing it around as a interest check so that hopefully, i will get more ideas from my friends or anyone kind enough to suggest an idea. i can do practically anything with these characters, but i'm just hoping to have a maximum of 49 different stories/chapters for this franchise overall. you may share ideas down here.

thank you. 

bye bye

An Accidental Bratty Magical Girl -- Chapter 1: Introduction

>> Tap or click a image to read up close, and use arrow keys to change pages << 

Paprika Opening

 Ah, Paprika. The film I expected to learn about in Contemporary Literature class in high school.. but learnt about cartoons made by white Americans instead..

Anyways. This song gives me a splendor of feelings. It makes me wish that I was in Japan during that era of time, where this movie came out. It felt as if there was a explosion and excess of colorful things during that time, both new and dated, and the colors I mainly see that describe that time is orange and red. 

I really want to watch Millennium Actress, because we were promised to see that in that class but I never got a chance to watch it. Those colors seem to be pretty prominent in the movie's artwork, though..

I fear that I might've lost one of my childhood friends due to substance abuse. I wasn't abusing it, but she radically changed a ton. I didn't understand why she was using the internet until a little later. She is a complicated person and I just hope that, she is sound, wherever she may like to be.. even if she was suddenly disrespectful to me. I'm grateful for her encouraging me to grow up, and seek out new things, and also her vulnerability with me.. ☮

She introduced me to a lot of interesting anime movies, as well.. it's sad, what has happened to her. That's why I tend to keep my distance at times..

Anyways, back to Paprika, one of my most favorite seasonings, especially to put on boiled eggs, it makes me think that it's a fanfare for the ultimate end of your life. You were trying to seek pleasure by other means, but it became too overwhelming and now all of your senses are overlapping. The sensations were so traumatizing that all you can produce and put out is something along the lines of this song.. that's just my perception of it.

I was so grateful to be part of around the time that this movie was semi-popular on the internet, especially during the beginning of Youtube. I need to look at more "creepy" anime videos from that era.. but yeah. All people did online was make fun of the scary things of that age for the most part, especially horror anime like Higurashi and School Days. Well, anyways,  it reminds me when the DS and Wii were super big, especially the Touch Generation titles. I felt grateful to be a part of a population of various other people, schoolgirls, middle-aged men, mothers, and more, although I hardly met a child in my first few years that also owned a DS during my school days at all, so it's more of a overall general gratitude. I know that I have a good memory and I'm eternally grateful for that as well (eat your salmon😡💜🍣❗). 

It feels like such a sad, saccharine song. It feels almost as if Paprika was created by or for someone who desperately wanted to be remembered, as their existence is the best thing happening in their life, with all the unique and explicit details, both good and bad. They understand that their existence is fleeting, and the day that they will die is inching nearer but unpredictable, so they might as well pour all of their days producing Paprika.

I think that's it for now. I might watch Millennium Actress soon, because the art for it is so impactful to me. Thank you. 

- Mod Cassandra


LOL - lots of laugh-

 I'll give you lots of laugh.

You'll give me lots of laugh.

I'll give you lots of laugh.

You'll give me lots of laugh. ♪

   :: This classic VOCALOID song now reminds me of you, Ken. It doesn't help that there was someone on the song's production team that also shared the same name as you.. 

I always related to this song, especially when I first discovered it at age 7-8 because I knew for a fact that VOCALOID was my luxury escapism treat. There was such a abundance that made me so incredibly happy to see, so you could imagine just how happy I was to receive that Miku plush for the 2012 holiday season.

It's a sweet saccharine song, some people could say it's bittersweet but not really to me. It reminds me of 2008, maybe even 2007, to 2016. 2017 felt differently to me.

I guess I could say, just as how Miku experienced in the video game's music video, loving you and being with you felt like a rollercoaster of emotions.

Please be well, and don't be sick anymore.

Bai-bai, boo!

- Cassandra-chan

AABMG :: Love Interest

Sylvester Peng 

Height: 6'2

Birthday: January 1st, 1996


He has sleek white and periwinkle hair. 

His hobbies are playing anime-styled video games, watching anime, and consuming manga. He is also very athletic and gentle-hearted.

He has subtle memory problems and can get confused easily due to a car crash incident when he was a child. Otherwise, he is perfectly healthy. 

He is both Raina's and Kimi's love interest. While it might seem very easy for Kimi to lose herself in this overwhelming battle between this love triangle, she remains true to herself and perseveres. 

8 30 24 :: what i did today

    :: i drew a few pages of my upcoming manga. i plan to upload the pages uncolored and maybe make a video promoting it after i get the first story complete. i still need to sharpen up the script but i couldn't hold back my urge to draw something.

i didn't really talk to anyone that much today, not even my parents. that's because it's 8 in the morning right now as of me writing this.

even though i got the dlc installed in my project diva extend copy, my psp just randomly chose to shut off, so that was alarming. i'm not sure why that happened. i guess you're not supposed to play games while it's charging? idk. maybe i overwhelmed the system too much? it's fine that i lost my save data then, because i only played three DLC songs and i didn't perform amazingly.

well, that's it for now.

bai bai

my art online finally feels less like a mess

 as title says

so i suppose my organization style is this rn:

instagram - IRL only.

toyhouse - my original characters (general)

furaffinity - furry characters only (don't judge me!)

deviantart - hella inactive

pixiv - my main art/manga

blogger - personal art/updates

feel free to use this as a reference for you too lol

i need to re-think about my plans for the future, like my follower goal for my instagram now that i wont be sharing anymore of my art on there anymore. its not like i am ungrateful for the support i receive on there. its just funny how some bad people wont let you go and see you as some random person online, bumbling through life just like everyone else, idk.

thank you for reading my posts through my life journey Ov<

- cassandra-chan

❀ my introduction to pixiv ❀

hi. so i finally bit the pocky stick and joined pixiv. i actually made a account before a long time ago, but i will delete it because it's old, and i just favorited art, i think. 

i was hesitant in joining it because it seemed like a safe place for Japanese people to share their art and i didn't really want to ruin nor intrude on anything. around the time i discovered it and started thinking about it seriously,  i was using deviantart and i actually had a handful of supporters on there, so i didn't want to leave that site. 

i'm looking for a mainstream art website to join, so i hope that i can have fun with pixiv and if there is any rude people, deal with them accordingly. i find the handdrawn art pretty comforting to be honest, the ones i see drawn traditionally because it reassures me that i don't need to have a digital art masterpiece to be recognized as a artist. also, the art i favorited/liked has a certain charm, lol.

well, i hope to find true happiness on pixiv.

i also want to stress that it's really important to distribute your art accordingly and in a organized matter when it comes to sharing it online. you need to know your art websites fairly well to make sure you're not really running into trouble. that's how you meet the right people, i think. so i'm trying to be less shy and just share more of my art accordingly in the best way possible, to hopefully meet kind supporters, and no, i'm not just thinking of money, i genuinely would appreciate a audience for my work.

i guess it's a good thing that i abandoned instagram because pixiv seems to be the perfect place in general for my art, because my original art style is really 90% anime-leaning, 5% cartoon-ish and 5% realistic. i shouldn't have overlooked it, but my art became more serious and consistent, and finally gained more of a identity of it's own during my final year of high school, that was in 2022. my instagram page was a unintentional clone of my stalker's page to be honest with you all. i just wanted to post whatever made me feel satisfied to make people interested in me, feel happy. ;.; 

i honestly detest instagram for art because people love to be heavily inspired on there without a care. i also got more untraceable views on insta than on pixiv. it's helpful that you can see how many people viewed your work on there.. so i will try sharing my manga on there! blindly! just kidding, i will try to do some research.

also,  i might make a english guide video of how to use pixiv.  

i hope it's not too late to use pixiv. it'll suck if it plans to close down soon. i will be taking it seriously, but not too much because i never thought i'd have a chance in immersing in the japanese artistic world seriously, even though i understand some of the common thematics within it. i need to give myself more of a chance, especially now that i find myself becoming something sort of a mangaka now, with my boyfriend.

okay, that's it. thank you for reading my thoughts.

- mod cassandra


AABMG :: Kimmy's Transformation scenes description

 >> Logic <<

One tap to the left (with a click sound effect) and there's a 360 spin of the character. She shakes her forehead until 3 circles fuse to the right of her head and her hair gets swooped into a right-lifted ponytail. The camera pans down and she playfully kicks her feet to the pavement, with her bare feet now covered by cute flat shoes, with ribbons that wrap around her entire legs. The camera is now to her torso as she shyly hugs herself until she is wearing her magical girl dress, and then her hands reflex, and as they relax, they review two long shimmering ribbons down her pockets. The camera fades away to white and then zooms into her face, and she does a peace sign to her eyes which are happily closed, and opened to reveal sparkles, then there is an amazing zoom out. 

>> Shiney <<

Two shy taps to the center of her body (with a click sound effect) and sparkles flood the screen from both sides. She spreads her arms outward, then spins them and rotates them outward presenting them happily as she gets to wear her entire magical girl outfit. She jumps up and lands on both of her feet as the ribbons of the shoes wrap around her feet. She hugs both of her shoulders/arms with eyes closed and tilts her head to the right for enough time for the kind and friendly sparkles to turn it into a ponytail. By the time her ponytail is done, she opens her eyes and reveals sparkles in her eyes, while presenting it with her hands in a cute way near her chin. She grins with a happy face, and the transformation ends.


She winks to the viewer with a finger pointing up to the air, saying "chu~". There is a zoom out with pink lace around the screen as she spins around over and over as hearts come out until she has her magical girl outfit with spinny eyes. She crosses her arms and tilts her head until a star falls on top of her head, and then she opens her eyes that have hearts inside of them. She looks down and moves her feet lightly, up and down until she has her ribboned shoes on. The camera zooms in to her face, as she looks up from looking down and looks a bit sad and confused, then looks up again and rests a hand on her cheek before smiling softly and blushing. 


  • I wanted to create a unknowing magical girl transformation scene, because I truly feel like there's a ongoing problem with most mainstream magical girl transformations, somehow on their first try, they know all of these mannerisms and everything like it's on the back of their hand, and they're only surprised by their appearance, not all of what they have done. I also get to show off Kimmy's true personality here in these transformations, so I hope you enjoyed imagining this in your mind. 


100% project diva

 100% accomplished project diva! Was worth it!

Toxic Hard Worker Mentality?

 I know that this is a common theme in Japanese society, where people's hard work defines them to their very core, but to be honest, I don't know too much about this enduring issue.

I finally realized my alignment with this issue, even though I'm not from Japan. 

I have a hard time relaxing as a whole, because my family members always criticized me for laying down in my free time, especially after a long day of school. They viewed it as me being incredibly lazy, even though I just wanted to relax. Now the wires in my brain are really crossed and confused. 

My idea of relaxing is always convoluted with doing something, but there are times where my mind really needs a good downtime, not just during times where it needs to sleep. 

I'm trying to unlearn that toxic mentality, but it's hard. Should I really be working on my manga, and blog in the morning? Plus, video games are for the afternoon and evening, not for the morning as soon as I wake up.

Thanks to my family shaming me for just practically existing, it's kind of hard to function.

I realized that I like to keep productive to avoid any depressing thoughts,  and I constantly surround myself in a world of inspiration for my current ideas and work. I just wish I can go back to truly relaxing, not being demanded to play some music or something. And yes, I do exercise, too, so I'm not trying to be "Totally lazy".

AABMG :: Rival

Name: Raina 

Appearance: Bushy, curly brunette hair with spiky ends. She has red eyes, and light pink skin. 


Kimi and Raina was raised extremely similar, and they also happen to have similar interests. The main thing that's different is the age gap and the fact that Raina's mother comes from a different island than Kimi's mother. Both of Raina's parents work in the social media field, so she understands a lot about algorithms and other similar technology.

Extra Knowledge

She used to relax her hair when she was younger, then gained an obsession with "protecting her curl pattern" in her hair. So she has a huge abundance of curly hair products for her hair. Her family works for giant social media companies, so she understands perfectly how algorithms work, along with other things.


  • Scrapbooking
  • Smoking

Companion: Mouse

Brittany is a deer mouse that strives for a "badass punk cutie" fashion style. Her signature colors are brown, red, and black. She has dark blonde hair with brunette roots. 

---- How they meet ----

In the winter, Kimi decides to take online classes for her nursing course. There, she sees a girl with exactly the same exact facial features as her, except her eyes are more narrow. She was also surprised to see that she has a pink tint to her. 

Raina has a room full of photographs of Kimi, and holds up a polaroid photograph of a photo of her that she just took of her when she was in class. "She will.. become mine".

-- The challenge for Kimi --

Raina is possessive of Kimmy because she wants her to be her property, to replicate her mannerisms and everything about her life, to become her. Even though she tries hard to seem like a special princess online with a beautiful mind inside and out, her life is anything but, because it's plagued with untouched insecurities. Instead of working on herself, she can just mirror Kimi and fake her way up to the top of the friendship hierarchy of their school until Kimi cannot take it anymore, loses herself, and Raina gains Kimi's power. That's her goal.

The truth is, in the same field, she wouldn't get very far because she depends on the computer to help her get ahead instead of taking her time, and she doesn't have a fiery passion for it compared to other people.


  • Somehow Raina's ears hear everything that Kimi's ears need to hear, which easily gets to her. Raina believes she can get away on the verge of identity theft, especially because Kimi's crush struggles with a bad memory due to a physical illness, but Chima and Kimmy won't let her get away with it, nor very far.
  • Don't let her be a reoccurring character, she'll be defeated somehow and transfer out into another school. 
  • When Kimi is out for a day, she finds out that Raina was lying about being her twin sister, and is pretending to be like her. Raina goes too far with this, as the professor accidentally gives her Kimmy's key to her locker as it was the first day they were distributing it, and Raina gets her hands on a love letter that was meant for Kimi.. Kimi finds this out and is on the verge of a panic attack, but she gives Chima a hug as she takes a few deep breaths. When she comes out of the girls' bathroom, she overhears gossip in the halls that Raina was chosen to be Sylvester's beloved. This pierces through Kimi's heart, and she falls on a verge of yet another panic attack, but remembers the advice that Chima told her in the bathroom.  

-- Raina's death -- 
After Raina transfers to a new school, on the first day of class, she gets lost in a forest, slips and falls to her death. She goes missing, but the case becomes shrouded in mystery. Her parents are understandably angry, but the authorities can't do much. 


there needs to be better caribbean representation

 there needs to be better caribbean representation in media. im sorry but the representation has been suffering from hypersexual work for decades. i wish we respected ourselves more. 

my naive mistakes as a writer

     -- some of my naive mistakes as a writer is simply not trusting the scripting process as i write stories. my story that was the ultimate success in 2015, in school, was the story that i scripted first before i put it in drawings that i drew based off the description of what i wrote. unfortunately, i was blind with so much success, and minor criticism, that i decided to start a sequel story. schoolwork and other things were getting in the way, so i couldn't really script efficiently as i was back then. the story was starting out scripting, but i guess to impress my classmates quickly, i started to draw in the moment. at first it was fun, but then it became immensely stressful and then the notebook dedicated for the comic just became a randomized doodle pad. 

this was when i was around 10 or so, but if you're serious about writing, don't do what i did. @ - @

so hopefully i won't be doing this, this time. a script cannot be boring, it depends on how it's framed, not necessarily the content, especially if you are satisfied with said content. i found an helpful video about rewriting the script in a way that's ultimately understandable to you as a illustrator. you can even verbally describe your script and type up a finished copy based on what you wrote down, then clean it up and work with what you have.

i wish you good luck on your scripting journey~ :3

What would I like to accomplish for AABMG?

    :: I had already designed the logo just a few moments ago, so that's cool. I tried my best to not really add any unnecessary elements.

There is other things that I would like to tackle about the story as well. I need to write the first chapter or "episode" if you will for the manga. Yep, I have decided with my writing partner that this is a manga now, LOL. It would be cool if there would be a anime adaption, but I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I haven't even colored in any of my sketches yet for my series ; w ; )

I have designed the following:

  • Kaninchen Uniform (school uniform)
    • Spring alt.
  • Casual home outfit
    • w/ casual Pastel Goth hoodie
  • Jirai Kei (the afterlife of the first season)

Since I only had designed the spring uniform in mind (kind of matches the school's name, too..), maybe instead of making the story start immediately when school starts, it can start a few months within school. So maybe the story will start a few months in school, so maybe in January. It overall begins in the year 2016.

I want there to be a maximum of 49 stories. So I think I'm pretty confident in that, lol, but I believe that writing should be private to be honest. 

Season 2: Kimmy gets a good and consistent job as a half-time nurse at a hospital, but the stress of the long term work times gets to her, and she starts to develop a Peppy Nurse (parody of Dr. Pepper) addiction and starts to dabble into J-fashion in her free-time. Being an influencer doesn't go very well since she realizes that girl in the mirror has always been on her radar, imitating every post she has pose by pose, motion by motion, which is creepy enough. She has a little Kuromi complex, that girl (meaning that she's jealous and envious of other girls, specifically Kimmy in a childish way). 

Maybe Season 3 will take place in a mental hospital, where she finds a way to heal patients. Then, the series would be over.

I have no idea what could be the intro and ending song, I will have to do some research.

That's it for now. Goodbye and thank you for reading this.

- Cassandra-chan


half a thousand pageviews?!

 hi everyone. wow, thanks for all the support. i just hit over 500 total pageviews!!

here's to more blog posts!


AABMG :: Devices

Utility Belt

  • It can read brainwaves and can help the wearer make an informative decision based on that.
  • Sometimes some buttons can press on its own, causing its own transformation sequence. 
  • Symbols: Heart, Diamond, Circle
  • Heart = love and emotion
  • Diamond = flashiness/shiny
  • Circle = logic
Intentional Scalpel
  • A giant scalpel that has a retractable blade.
  • Used for emergency incisions. 
  • " S L I C E ! " 

AABMG :: Writing

The protagonist

Kimi "Kimmy" Hayami is a nursing student. She is eighteen years old and attends a uniform university, Kaninchen Meadow Studies. She is half Trinidadian, and half Japanese. 

Her zodiac sign is Aquarius, and she was born on February 11, 1998. 


When she was 17 years old, she had to move from the Islands to America. Even though the university's name is partially in German, she's attending to this elite university in America. Her mother realizes that she has the most bragging rights in the entire community her family lives in, but still believes that her daughter should become even more intelligent. Ironically enough, later that day, she sees something advertised to her online on this mainstream shopping website that she uses time from time. A fashionable belt with three different functional (?!) symbols that apparently makes cute girls, more intelligent. She showed it to her mother and she backhandedly said that she could benefit from it in more ways than one, so she snatched the credit card from her and made the purchase impulsively without reading too deeply into it. She decides to wear this belt every day until she realizes something else that came with it.

It turns out the belt comes with a free gift.. which later turns out to be her familiar/companion! A white tiger, that Kimi starts to ponder if it's actually a reincarnation of a white tiger plush that got destroyed in the wash when she was a little girl. There's a strap on her back for camouflage purposes, if it can hold a straight face, that is. 

One look at the tag, and it turns out this white tigers' name is Chima. She is at a tween age. Still considered a kid, but not considered a full out teenager.


  • Kimmy was nicknamed the "White Tiger" due to her playful nature and white summer dress in the summer, ever since she was a child. She also used to have scratches all over her body from her exploring and roughhousing in nature. For her fifth birthday, she received a white tiger plush that she adored to death. 

Main storyline

On the journey of finding herself, and ruling out her insecurities to become the best nurse with kind-hearted intentions ever, she must defeat the rivals and their evil insecurities, to turn them back into their ordinary, kind selves. It's not a easy task, so Chemi will assist her by holding her tools and giving her hints, along with letting her change into the suitable outfit to fight her rivals.

If her identity gets revealed: She will have to give up her job as being a nurse, and commit to being a full-time magical girl. She needs to weight out the sacrifices after reflecting over her memories as a magical girl and a student.

Side story

Even more backstory: On an online forum about people seeking help from students, she encounters a middle-aged Asian man who is struggling with his multiple illnesses, both physical and mental, and he is seeking help online because he doesn't trust doctors due to his anxiety. Kimi was able to calm him down, and form a meaningful friendship. They had a lot of different conversations, such as him being like a big brother for her. The man suggested that she would be a good nurse someday, even though her original dream was to be a singer, because her kind nature is healing. Kimi got a acceptance letter to Kaninchen, but when she was sleeping, her parents went through her laptop and blocked the man, so she can focus on her studies more. The man wrote one last message on his comment wall, showing that he was very hurt. She had no time to explain, because one refresh and the profile was no longer to be found. Sometime after grieving and coping, she vowed to become a nurse, because the man saw that potential in her, and she is eternally grateful.

The Girl Inside the Mirror: Kimi happens to meet a girl with the exact same face as her, but is somehow older than her. Her name is Rania. She surprises Kimi by letting her know that she knows more about Kimi than what even Kimi may know about herself, and things that she'd never confided in her about. They both have similar interests, that are in a 1:1 ratio of each other. They get along well, but her intentions is not as pure and innocent as it seems.. 

overall summary

Season 1 - Steady Student

Kaninchen Uniform

Current fashion hyperfixations: Pastel Goth/Gurokawa, Boho, Mori Kei (casual vers.) and Larme Kei

Season 2 - Half-time Nurse/Night-time Jirai

Current fashion hyperfixation: Jirai Kei

(She modifies one of her school uniforms into a jiraikei outfit)

☆☆An Accidental Bratty Magical Girl☆☆☆

     :: So just today, I thought of a new MAGICAL GIRL☆ anime idea. I already had one from last summer, but this is a unique one. As a anime consumer, I'm personally tired of new female protagonists releasing, that happen to have brown skin, but they are described as tan (So it's temporary) or doesn't represent what I'm looking for. Instead of projecting my insecurities on these characters, I'll just let them exist. 

I will.. create my own special little magical girl child..!!!!!

So, the name of the series is "A Accidental Bratty Magical Girl". Our protagonist, Kimi "Kimmy" Hayami is a biracial Japanese-Trinidadian girl who's moving to America after living her entire childhood in the islands.

I think I will make it a manga series, first. I just have an inconsistent time using which notebook to use, and if I should work on it with loose loose-leaf pages or not. 

gmix - cider (1992)

 this song also reminds me of the happy times we had together, K. It seems like a song you'd sing.

I can't link it here because the song, the version I'm talking of is extremely hard to find. It's probably lost media now lol. Good thing I have it on my PSP.



This song reminds me so much of the times I had with K.

I just hope he's safe wherever he is.. I know that he's safe in my heart.

I really hate my ex for making me block him..

Please be okay ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


.: PSP Play Diary - Entry 1 :.


Hiya. I actually used to write these on my old blog before I had to remove it due to harassment. Anyways, here is my play diary for today.

I played a few games just to test it out, but I didn't really find myself getting too invested in them. 

I mainly played Taiko no Tatsujin Portable, and Project Diva -extend-.

I was surprised to see a Britney Spears song in the taiko game!! I feel like they either pitched Britney's voice up, or got a cover artist to sing, for some reason, due to the awkward pronunciation of "baby". 

It was satisfying and fun to play, but what surprised me the most is the difference in graphic quality compared to the DS version. You can see everything in the PSP version more clearly and precise. 

Moving onto the VOCALOID game, there were some songs that made me want to cry, they were so beautiful and full of sentimental melodies, to some songs that made me want to get up and dance, lol! For some reason, I had a feeling that I've heard quite almost all of these songs before, except for Time Limit. I never heard that song until today, and now it's one of my favorites. 

Anyways, I hope that I'll be able to use my PSP in public soon, yay :3 

Thanks for reading this !!!!!

- Mod Nanami

Me 2024 [3]


Healing from Trauma


I just got done playing a few songs from Project Diva Extend. I'm still in disbelief that I own my own personal PSP. This will be it's own special nostalgic memory. Especially when I accidentally made a dent in the boxes.. 😅

I find it hard to listen to this song in particular for some reason. I accidentally saved the rin Kagamine version but it's not really that bad to listen to. It reminds me of my childhood feelings of inferiority. I was surrounded by people who kept comparing me to this one chick that happened to look like me. It hurt when people that said to have loved me chose her side when I was the one being harassed every fucking day for it.

I am able to listen to the song in full now. So there's that for change.

I used to be envious that she had a whole PS4 all to herself, but I don't really care now, to be honest. That's completely graphic overload for someone like me, anyways, and would do more harm than good (talking about the project diva game for the ps4). 

Getting the PSP, I feel like I was able to promote mindfulness. I don't feel like it's necessary to spend every waking minute on social media platforms like Discord and certainly Twitter. I use Twitter, at most, 20 minutes (and I am writing more tweets, by the way, I'm not sure why my twitter widget won't really update yet.. lol ;w;). I'm finally comfortable with being alone, and I can do just about any task that comes to me, including making my bed and doing homework (that one's for the future, though).  


The PSP reminds me of K., for some reason. I hope he's well, wherever he may be in this vast universe. The more I play on this console, the more I feel a bit better about moving on. If youre reading this, I'm sorry, and thank you for everything. But it's time for me to say goodbye now, again.

After this, I guess I'll watch some Powerpuff girls or higurashi. Yep, bet you didn't expect to see those two shows in the same sentence, lol.

I also need to add the status update widget on my blog, just for smaller things that don't feel that important enough to announce on Twitter, tbh. 

Thanks for reading~

-- Mod Cassandra

Written on my Android Phone



Drawn with Penup

Xiu-Ying & Her Blog -- Animated Intro

 The intro to Xiu-Ying & Her Blog is finally complete!