
Healing from Trauma


I just got done playing a few songs from Project Diva Extend. I'm still in disbelief that I own my own personal PSP. This will be it's own special nostalgic memory. Especially when I accidentally made a dent in the boxes.. 😅

I find it hard to listen to this song in particular for some reason. I accidentally saved the rin Kagamine version but it's not really that bad to listen to. It reminds me of my childhood feelings of inferiority. I was surrounded by people who kept comparing me to this one chick that happened to look like me. It hurt when people that said to have loved me chose her side when I was the one being harassed every fucking day for it.

I am able to listen to the song in full now. So there's that for change.

I used to be envious that she had a whole PS4 all to herself, but I don't really care now, to be honest. That's completely graphic overload for someone like me, anyways, and would do more harm than good (talking about the project diva game for the ps4). 

Getting the PSP, I feel like I was able to promote mindfulness. I don't feel like it's necessary to spend every waking minute on social media platforms like Discord and certainly Twitter. I use Twitter, at most, 20 minutes (and I am writing more tweets, by the way, I'm not sure why my twitter widget won't really update yet.. lol ;w;). I'm finally comfortable with being alone, and I can do just about any task that comes to me, including making my bed and doing homework (that one's for the future, though).  


The PSP reminds me of K., for some reason. I hope he's well, wherever he may be in this vast universe. The more I play on this console, the more I feel a bit better about moving on. If youre reading this, I'm sorry, and thank you for everything. But it's time for me to say goodbye now, again.

After this, I guess I'll watch some Powerpuff girls or higurashi. Yep, bet you didn't expect to see those two shows in the same sentence, lol.

I also need to add the status update widget on my blog, just for smaller things that don't feel that important enough to announce on Twitter, tbh. 

Thanks for reading~

-- Mod Cassandra

Written on my Android Phone

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