
AABMG :: Writing

The protagonist

Kimi "Kimmy" Hayami is a nursing student. She is eighteen years old and attends a uniform university, Kaninchen Meadow Studies. She is half Trinidadian, and half Japanese. 

Her zodiac sign is Aquarius, and she was born on February 11, 1998. 


When she was 17 years old, she had to move from the Islands to America. Even though the university's name is partially in German, she's attending to this elite university in America. Her mother realizes that she has the most bragging rights in the entire community her family lives in, but still believes that her daughter should become even more intelligent. Ironically enough, later that day, she sees something advertised to her online on this mainstream shopping website that she uses time from time. A fashionable belt with three different functional (?!) symbols that apparently makes cute girls, more intelligent. She showed it to her mother and she backhandedly said that she could benefit from it in more ways than one, so she snatched the credit card from her and made the purchase impulsively without reading too deeply into it. She decides to wear this belt every day until she realizes something else that came with it.

It turns out the belt comes with a free gift.. which later turns out to be her familiar/companion! A white tiger, that Kimi starts to ponder if it's actually a reincarnation of a white tiger plush that got destroyed in the wash when she was a little girl. There's a strap on her back for camouflage purposes, if it can hold a straight face, that is. 

One look at the tag, and it turns out this white tigers' name is Chima. She is at a tween age. Still considered a kid, but not considered a full out teenager.


  • Kimmy was nicknamed the "White Tiger" due to her playful nature and white summer dress in the summer, ever since she was a child. She also used to have scratches all over her body from her exploring and roughhousing in nature. For her fifth birthday, she received a white tiger plush that she adored to death. 

Main storyline

On the journey of finding herself, and ruling out her insecurities to become the best nurse with kind-hearted intentions ever, she must defeat the rivals and their evil insecurities, to turn them back into their ordinary, kind selves. It's not a easy task, so Chemi will assist her by holding her tools and giving her hints, along with letting her change into the suitable outfit to fight her rivals.

If her identity gets revealed: She will have to give up her job as being a nurse, and commit to being a full-time magical girl. She needs to weight out the sacrifices after reflecting over her memories as a magical girl and a student.

Side story

Even more backstory: On an online forum about people seeking help from students, she encounters a middle-aged Asian man who is struggling with his multiple illnesses, both physical and mental, and he is seeking help online because he doesn't trust doctors due to his anxiety. Kimi was able to calm him down, and form a meaningful friendship. They had a lot of different conversations, such as him being like a big brother for her. The man suggested that she would be a good nurse someday, even though her original dream was to be a singer, because her kind nature is healing. Kimi got a acceptance letter to Kaninchen, but when she was sleeping, her parents went through her laptop and blocked the man, so she can focus on her studies more. The man wrote one last message on his comment wall, showing that he was very hurt. She had no time to explain, because one refresh and the profile was no longer to be found. Sometime after grieving and coping, she vowed to become a nurse, because the man saw that potential in her, and she is eternally grateful.

The Girl Inside the Mirror: Kimi happens to meet a girl with the exact same face as her, but is somehow older than her. Her name is Rania. She surprises Kimi by letting her know that she knows more about Kimi than what even Kimi may know about herself, and things that she'd never confided in her about. They both have similar interests, that are in a 1:1 ratio of each other. They get along well, but her intentions is not as pure and innocent as it seems.. 

overall summary

Season 1 - Steady Student

Kaninchen Uniform

Current fashion hyperfixations: Pastel Goth/Gurokawa, Boho, Mori Kei (casual vers.) and Larme Kei

Season 2 - Half-time Nurse/Night-time Jirai

Current fashion hyperfixation: Jirai Kei

(She modifies one of her school uniforms into a jiraikei outfit)

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