
Paprika Opening

 Ah, Paprika. The film I expected to learn about in Contemporary Literature class in high school.. but learnt about cartoons made by white Americans instead..

Anyways. This song gives me a splendor of feelings. It makes me wish that I was in Japan during that era of time, where this movie came out. It felt as if there was a explosion and excess of colorful things during that time, both new and dated, and the colors I mainly see that describe that time is orange and red. 

I really want to watch Millennium Actress, because we were promised to see that in that class but I never got a chance to watch it. Those colors seem to be pretty prominent in the movie's artwork, though..

I fear that I might've lost one of my childhood friends due to substance abuse. I wasn't abusing it, but she radically changed a ton. I didn't understand why she was using the internet until a little later. She is a complicated person and I just hope that, she is sound, wherever she may like to be.. even if she was suddenly disrespectful to me. I'm grateful for her encouraging me to grow up, and seek out new things, and also her vulnerability with me.. ☮

She introduced me to a lot of interesting anime movies, as well.. it's sad, what has happened to her. That's why I tend to keep my distance at times..

Anyways, back to Paprika, one of my most favorite seasonings, especially to put on boiled eggs, it makes me think that it's a fanfare for the ultimate end of your life. You were trying to seek pleasure by other means, but it became too overwhelming and now all of your senses are overlapping. The sensations were so traumatizing that all you can produce and put out is something along the lines of this song.. that's just my perception of it.

I was so grateful to be part of around the time that this movie was semi-popular on the internet, especially during the beginning of Youtube. I need to look at more "creepy" anime videos from that era.. but yeah. All people did online was make fun of the scary things of that age for the most part, especially horror anime like Higurashi and School Days. Well, anyways,  it reminds me when the DS and Wii were super big, especially the Touch Generation titles. I felt grateful to be a part of a population of various other people, schoolgirls, middle-aged men, mothers, and more, although I hardly met a child in my first few years that also owned a DS during my school days at all, so it's more of a overall general gratitude. I know that I have a good memory and I'm eternally grateful for that as well (eat your salmon😡💜🍣❗). 

It feels like such a sad, saccharine song. It feels almost as if Paprika was created by or for someone who desperately wanted to be remembered, as their existence is the best thing happening in their life, with all the unique and explicit details, both good and bad. They understand that their existence is fleeting, and the day that they will die is inching nearer but unpredictable, so they might as well pour all of their days producing Paprika.

I think that's it for now. I might watch Millennium Actress soon, because the art for it is so impactful to me. Thank you. 

- Mod Cassandra

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