
my naive mistakes as a writer

     -- some of my naive mistakes as a writer is simply not trusting the scripting process as i write stories. my story that was the ultimate success in 2015, in school, was the story that i scripted first before i put it in drawings that i drew based off the description of what i wrote. unfortunately, i was blind with so much success, and minor criticism, that i decided to start a sequel story. schoolwork and other things were getting in the way, so i couldn't really script efficiently as i was back then. the story was starting out scripting, but i guess to impress my classmates quickly, i started to draw in the moment. at first it was fun, but then it became immensely stressful and then the notebook dedicated for the comic just became a randomized doodle pad. 

this was when i was around 10 or so, but if you're serious about writing, don't do what i did. @ - @

so hopefully i won't be doing this, this time. a script cannot be boring, it depends on how it's framed, not necessarily the content, especially if you are satisfied with said content. i found an helpful video about rewriting the script in a way that's ultimately understandable to you as a illustrator. you can even verbally describe your script and type up a finished copy based on what you wrote down, then clean it up and work with what you have.

i wish you good luck on your scripting journey~ :3

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