
I have never related to something more in my life.

❥ I found this picture on the net today. A girl dressed in lolita fashion, wearing a blue-themed outfit coordinate. She's cradling a Stitch plushie. Somehow, it reminded me of myself. It reminded me of how Stitch comforts me because it feels like a comforting and understandable entryway to Hawaiian culture, especially for the youth. He's not my most favorite creature in the world, admittedly, but his design will always be very cute and charming to me. Fortunately, I also have a stitch plushie as well, he's holding an avocado. 

I always perceived Stitch as a metaphor - he's the stitch that stitches Lilo's family together. I feel like if you ever wanted to be adopted, or at least move forward in life, Stitch really comforts you as a icon.

This picture makes me wish that I could be more Hawaiian.

It's also a possibility that she could just be holding the Stitch plushie because it matches her outfit.

Uncomfortable things in "childish" anime

 Hi guys. So I'm trying to watch more aikatsu, but it made me uncomfortable when the characters talk about how "sexy" one character can be multiple times, especially when this is a show mainly targeted to children. I wish they used some other kind of word, I get that it's a trendy word from "the west" to describe something in a unique way, but that deterred me from wanting to watch the rest of the episode, unfortunately. :/ 

I still want to support Aikatsu, though.

Kawaii Console Games: Anne’s Doll Studio (Atelier Deco la Doll)

Cross-spanning from the DS to the 3DS, Atelier Deco la Doll was a doll creation game, most likely targeted towards young girls.

This is a new series I'm thinking of starting because I can hardly find a lot of cute games for consoles, that aren't the generic ones that I commonly seen spoken about online. 

These games had a tendency to be first released in Japan, and it would take around a few years for it to be localized for other regions of the world. 

This trailer is super informative on how the game works, and what it entails.

It was later released for the 3DS as Doll Fashion Atelier (Atelier Deco la Doll Collection), the ultimate compilation game of all five of the games. I hope to buy the Japanese edition soon.

That's all, thanks.

- Mod Nanami

♪.: music production diary:.♪ - entry 1

i tried to produce a original music track to a rewrite of a song i liked. the only problem is that i'm deeply unsatisfied with it. i think the failure stemmed from the fact that i tried my best to imitate the original song, when i know that aspects of the song has been manipulated impurely. some parts could've been pitched down or slowed down. i was inspired to sample another song like how the original did in the beginning, however.

that's it for now.

i won't give up T.T

おちゃらけたよ -rewrite-

-Track 3 of my first EP- 

eating left out food

at the stroke of 3 a m (*tick, tock, **tick...) *echo effect **echo clave effect there

whilist embracing the unbearable cold

so i suppose this is a life of a inuit

living how my ancestors once had lived

this is my truth so don't try to deny, that i'm a princess *sparkle sfx*

in that regard.

so about these days, life have progressed so slow

without your presence, i guess that is so

but the cold somehow feels different now

spending the days scroling through our chatlogs

and having something to smile about

conversating about our favorite songs, can we go back please?

i know i am undeserving, but..!!!!!

it would be awkward to try to reconnect

you can label me a sinner, a bully, however you'd like

but i'd die to see you again

but i must manipulate time to even see 1/10th of your smile.

the hands of time penetrate my ashy skin

it is painful, and hurts but

i'll keep going just for the sake of myself.

the clock dawns at 3

i try my best to grin through these days but

god knows i can be grinning with you. (flower punctuation) 

what am i supposed to do with myself.. i-

doing errands in the cold

is not surprisingly comforting

my tiara almost falls as something falls out my pocket

and somehow that caused a flashback within myself. . .

the hands of time penetrate my ashy skin

i know to live is to feel pain, but it's simply too much.

staring at old vcr televisions, retelling stories of the past.

eating left out food, at the stroke of 3am. (tick, tock, tick.)

whilist embracing the unbearable cold

so i suppose this is the life of a inuit

living how once my ancestors once had lived

but if only i can experience this

winter fairytale with you.

duration: 4:01

+>> the alien language <<+

 it seems that asian languages are inspired by humanity and human culture itself, at least when i refer to the mnemonics. 

our main character comes from a lineage of two eyes, so their language relies on a more simplified language.

there are other characters that come from a lineage of multiple eyes, so their language relies on a more complicated language. both of them are traditional though because of how the mnemonics are set up.

- this may be a WIP -


All UTAUloid Characters & Their Voices


I really loved to sing along to this song time to time, over and over when around this time this video came out. It helped me absolutely fall in love with everyone's creative ideas of UTAU and the program itself, even <3

2016 PPG makes me deeply uncomfortable


I was originally going to make this a youtube video, but I swear to all of my dear gods that I truly do not have it within me to watch the entirety of that horrible, horrible, should-have-never-been-created reboot. I will take some notes from my script of that video.

I hope you will enjoy my distaste for the Powerpuff Girls reboot of 2016. 

This time, I actually gave the show a chance. At first, I was willing to ignore and hate it just like everyone else for the sake that it’s not exactly like the original. It’s easy to hate something just because it’s a reboot, but it’s powerpuff girls, a franchise I've loved for almost forever now, so how could I not give into the three girls I've loved since childhood?

The first thing I have to say about this is that I don’t really like how the show producers chose to redesign the bed, when the original design was perfect on its own. Bubbles also has actual hair bubbles in her hair, and Buttercup has a piece of hair flying up for some reason. I guess that’s the cast’s way of differentiating their vision from the original. I do admit Bubbles looks adorable with the hair ties, but it takes some getting used to, to Buttercup’s hair fluff.

Pet peeves about designs aside,  the girls having actual cell phones sort of defeat the whole point of them having super powers, because the phones can do almost everything they can, and it could even help enhance their powers. It’s nice to see some actual conflict between the girls’ interests, like in the original’s episode, Super Zeros.

The cast had poor decision making when choosing to remove Ms. Bellum from the reboot. She was replaced by a character named Bianca Bikini, which completely undermines the feminist power Ms. Bellum had in the original. Ms. Bellum stood for a lot of things, while Bianca is like a cardboard cutout compared to her.

Another failure is the writing for Bliss. They missed out on the chance to make Bunny an actual non-offensive character, and instead wasted time by trying to pass along Bliss as an valid character.

The new animation style is something to get used to. It either grows on you, or it doesn’t. The series appears to take some inspiration from the 2014 special, dance pantsed. It would be interesting to imagine how the series would turn out if it was in that art style. I wish just someone, anybody could have taken the chance to include the Powerpunk Girls in an episode. But no, the opportunity is missed until further notice.

At first, I thought I would hate the new expressions, but I actually like how they are used in the show. I like how Blossom is expressive with her bow at times, but the real 1998 Blossom would never do that IMO.

Mojo Jojo is surprisingly depicted accurately enough to pose no difference from the original. The narrator is just the same as well.

Bubbles is actually adorable with her knowledge of unicorns in Episode 3. It shows a struggle that could’ve taken place in the original series. The unicorn episode could have been inspired from My little pony: friendship is magic’s twilight’s yearning to be a alicorn. I could be wrong though, as it’s been a few years since I’ve watched the show. The professor’s ray accidentally turns Downy (I think that’s the unicorn’s name) into a monster instead of a unicorn. As a result of this, he breaks out into a rage and starts destroying everything in sight. Bubbles defends herself by revalidating her belief in unicorns. A group of unicorns come and restore Downey's original form, and the pickle shop. I feel like it’s a parody of Celestia and Luna from MLP gen 4.

“Man Up” seems to be inspired off of the episode called “Makes Zen to me”. Maybe this episode idea was created by the crew’s misunderstanding of the episode. The storyline is almost exactly alike. Buttercup is too impatient and rowdy to learn anything new, so she has to learn how to find peace in herself. This episode almost feels like a parody of that episode, Cartoon Network could’ve just re-aired the original episode to take its place. The storyboard is almost completely copied as well. I kind of feel like this episode’s production was  a waste of time because it’s a complete stereotypical parody of the 60’s hippie era. It’s overall just a weak episode, with the story half copied and pasted with older elements. It’s literally just Makes Zen to Me with newer elements.

The action parts aren’t that bad as well. I actually enjoyed them, as they’re somewhat impressive.

The show seems to have unnecessary nostalgia references to the 80’s and 90s. Also, is it just me or are the animators addicted to drawing the girls flying in one pose? It doesn’t make much sense for this to be a common resting pose. The girls lift one leg up to help them fly more, not do practically anything.

I also think that self insert character from someone that was on the 2016 crew, that is supposedly in love with Blossom is disgusting beyond words. So Cartoon Network finally did something right for once in that decade by taking the show off the air. I don't think I will ever forgive this distasteful crew for contributing to this hot pile of animated garbage.

Even though there were parts I actually liked..

So, does this mean I actually like the show and the crew is redeemable for all their mistakes?


With all of this being said, I wouldn’t mind there being an Hi Hi PUFFY AmiYumi reboot coming out soon, as the shows bare some similarities.

rose gardens boarding school -information-


  • computer (technology basics I, II, III)
  • science
  • chinese literature (I, II)


  • knitting and sewing 101 
  • cheerleading


  • calligraphy club
  • culinary club
  • goods making club (plushie-making, necklaces)
  • homeroom
  •  chinese literature
  •  lunch
  •  computer
  •  science
  • rest room (there are nurses)
  • dance hall (half oriental, half with a flashing rainbow strobe light dance floor)



 I think I might write poetry starring Vocaloids instead of songs, because composing songs is not a easy feat..

My dating simulator idea

 Citrus Crush

⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

。・゚゚・               ・゚゚・。

ᯓ★ Characters

Note: these characters are ageless.

❀ Mother (No, you cannot date the mother character.)

    - She is a bit of a helicopter parent, meaning she is a worrywort when it comes to you. She can't help     but worry about you, now that you've more than excelled in your school and will now be sent to a            elite school nonetheless.

    - She had a fixation on girly things for the youth even after well meeting her mid-20's. She had always     wanted a daughter, but after discovering that she'll have a son, she expressed her gratitudes to the            gods every day until you were around five years old because she was so thankful to have a child,            nonetheless.

❀ Haukea Hao - half Chinese, half Hawaiian girl

    ⊹ Very nerdy but intelligent (well versed in geeky culture)

    ⊹ 4'11, 44kg

    ⊹ Brunette hair with pink highlights

    ⊹ Favorite food: Spicy Tuna Onigiri

    ⊹ Signature color: Teal

    ⊹ Favorite instrument: Xylophone

    Toyhou.se page

❀ Kissimi "Yuka" Natsik - Half Russian/Japanese, half Black girl

    ⊹ 5'1, 50kg

    ⊹ Hair: Light brunette/dark black 

    ⊹ Skin tone: Pale brownish (like a cookie)

    ⊹ Eye color: Darkish blue

    ⊹ Hobbies: Sledding by dogs, eating seals, singing

    ⊹ Favorite color: Periwinkle

    ⊹ Constantly wears her winter uniform around campus because her mother says that she has a                 problem with feeling cold frequently. She also has a scarf wrapped around her waist at all times just      in case she needs it.

❀ Anna Avellaneda - Half Puerto Rican, Half White girl

    ⊹ Tends to speak in texting culture (constantly uses acronym in everyday speech)

    ⊹ 5'3

    ⊹ Golden blonde with curls

    ⊹ Easily flirty and humorous to the point that she makes other girls feel uncomfortable

    ⊹ Signature color: Yellow

    ⊹ Wears face stickers and bandages on her face for a aesthetic

❀ Jen Escamilla (Nickname: Jen-E, like Jennie) - Half Spanish, Half Chinese girl

    ⊹  6'1

    ⊹ Self-proclaimed social media "successful superstar"

    ⊹ Dark green eyes

    ⊹ Men are attracted to her because people like to say that she is "sexy". but wouldn't know the first         thing about said thing. She is only a mean person because she is fixated on how people perceive her         physical form than what makes it up.

❀  Celeste Rodchenko - Black girl

    ⊹ 4'11, 44kg

    ⊹ Intelligent, but can be scatter-brained and nervous at times, along with reserved

    ⊹ She was adopted by a European family, but tends to keep her emotions to herself, and is very quiet         even with her family

    ⊹ Signature color: Black and hot pink

    ⊹ Hair color: Black and brunette (black gradient tips)

    ⊹ Eye color: Pink

    ⊹ Gothic, but surprisingly enjoys bright colors.

    ⊹ Doesn't like spicy food

    ⊹ Can be described as a Shundere or emo

    ⊹ Favorite group is Imogen Heap


These girls are enrolled in Rose Garden Boarding School, in Hawaii, USA. The story takes place sometime in 200X. It was originally an all-girls school, but due to your high grades, and your mother's influence on you, you get to be transferred as an exceptional transfer student to the school. It's an experiment, as that school is the number one elite in the nation overall, and it even beat many top colleges and universities in academics.

Your mother always wanted a daughter, but tried her best to sort out those emotions within herself and not pressure you, although you tend to have more feminine things than masculine things in your room. Your mother never told you what gender is for what things that you own, so you just have a collection of various, assorted items. So, you are a non-binary male in this game. 

Your mother always wanted some sort of a "little princess", but finally accepted that it would be wrong to force that onto you. So she will propose the idea to make your GF a princess in the family instead. 

The goal of the game is to bring back home one girl to spend the rest of your life with, maybe that was your mother's secret motivation to bringing you to a previously all-girls school in the first place. She also has extra clothes and other girly artifacts that would be appreciated by a girl than a guy, such as dresses and whatnot, so she is admittedly searching for someone to spoil. You have one month before your mother transfers you to a normal school, no matter how good your grades are. 


  • Week 1; Day 1: You learn that you got an acceptance to Rose Garden Boarding School, and you are enrolled there.
  • W1, D2: You meet Haukea in your first morning class. She caught your eye, first by the bright pink highlights, and then noticing the colorful manga she was reading under the desk. The player has to choose to either tattle on her (tell a teacher) or let her be and talk to her after class. If you let her be, she'd appreciate you letting her read in peace, and you guys would have a short discussion about the manga. If you tattle on her, she'd be angry and threaten to throw the manga at your head, but the teacher calms both of you down. One of the choices help you establish a friendship.
  • W1, D3: You meet Natsik by accidentally bumping into her in the hallway. She was carrying her Ottie plush, her favorite childhood character from the mysterious television. She stared into your eyes for an extended period of time. The plushie landed in a convenient space. If you just apologize, she will overlook the incident. If you help her up, she will blush and thank you shyly. Don't pressure her too much to raise her voice, though.
  • W1, D4: In a computer class, you see Avellaneda quickly typing on her laptop. It doesn't help that she chose to sit right next to you, and it's completely decked out with stickers.. despite the fact that it belonged to the school, apparently. The more you examine the screen, the more you might be closer to become friends with her.. or get scolded, then proceed to be reprimanded by the teacher. Either way, she can't help but exclaim boldly and loudly as a reaction to.. almost, everything. Maybe that might be a slight over-exaggeration, but still..
  • W1, D5: That was a long week of school, and you met so many interesting girls already! Now you can invite one girl to your home, and let's see how that would span out. Everyone lives in walking distance, or bike riding distance from the school, including you and your mother, that's probably one more motivator for her sending you here in the first place..!
  • Week 2, Day 1: Based on who you invited to come over to your home, they will go to school with you in the mornings before going on her separate way.
  • Week 2, D2: You try to head to your morning class, until you hear these irritating digital beeps behind you, consecutively. After you can't stand it anymore, you turn around and realize there's been a schoolgirl following behind you all this time. She was texting her friends about how there's a freaky perverted guy in her all-girls school, and that she doesn't know what to do now. If you stand up to yourself, you might eventually find out her last name, which is Escamilla. *If you noticed this pattern, you'd realize that these girls are known by their last name. Once you spend more time with them, you'd learn their middle or first names.*
  • Avellaneda overhears the commotion and steps in to defend you, because new people come and go in life all the time, and change is normal. She is talking from her experience of consistently moving away from home to home and changing school to school. This silences Escamilla for now. Well, except her phone that goes beep-boop.
  • Week 2, D3: As Escamilla is walking by, she purposefully drops her phone in front of you and makes it out to seem like you bumped into her and made her drop it. If you choose to start an argument, she will catch some feelings for you. If you brush her off, her eyes will water and she will run away.
  • Week 2, D4: There is a gloomy looking girl in the back of your science class. She isn't doing anything, just listening to quiet anison music with her head down, as she is wearing a long sleeve slip (your mother wears one of those at times..) that hid her from the outside world. If you just stand there, she'll sense your presence, and it would be an awkward staring contest before she removes the headphones and introduces herself. You guys are talking after class has well ended. She had left her notebook unattended, only writing her first and last name and the current time on the first line of the notebook. "Celeste Rodchenko".
  • Week 2, D5: Another school week, another long week. You get to choose who to invite over the weekend. You can invite up to two girls.
  • Week 3, Day 1: The school provides free flip phones for all of the students, and they are free to customize it as they please.
  • W3, D2: If you didn't invite Rodchenko over, she would be absent but left her headphones and notebook on her desk. It's up to you to find where she is. Escamilla begrundingly tells you where she usually hangs out at: the internet cafe on the second floor of the school. Rodchenko is seen.. crying, alone? In a locked room, nonetheless?!
  • W3, D3: Escamilla steals your seat and sits next to Avellanda instead, which frustrates you because you woke up late. Your decision reflects your emotions, and things will escalate from there. It turns out Escamilla was bullying Avellanda for weeks ever since she enrolled here, as she is also a new transfer student, and she was just sitting next to you because she was attracted to your kind, radiating aura. Hao shouts at everyone to please be a bit quiet as this is her favorite class, and her mother is restricting her computer time here by adding a adult lock on it for 3 hours, even though she's too old for that. Natsik unfolds the scarf around her waist and wraps it around her neck as it engulfs her lips because she is overwhelmed, and the texture of the scarf comforts her. 
  • W3, D4: [insert character related activity depending on friendship levels]
  • W3, D4: 
  • Week 4:
  • Week 5:
  • Week 5.5 (6): The final week of your time in this boarding school. The girl that you have the highest friendship level with, will come home with you. Your mother will say different things based on the type of girl that she is.
Note: Weekends are only available if there's a reason for it to be.

Topics I want to tackle in this

  • Bullying, peer pressure
  • Child abuse
Activities with the characters

Haukea Hao
  • She will ask you to roleplay the manga she is reading with her as a bonding activity.
  • She reveals her first name to you.
  • You help her put back a hair extension piece that fell out, even though she looks breathtakingly beautiful without the highlights.
  • You help her practice a xylophone piece, that she is nervous to play by the sheet music. She is used to being a totally freelance musician. Think you can help her?
  • Invitation to the Calligraphy club, where you guys practice writing Kanji together. Kanjis are "dream", "to love", and "to die" (逝).  
Kissimi "Yuka" Natsik 
  • In the most coldest room of the school, she dares you to eat popsicles with her under the AC unit.
  • She asks you to put the hoodie on Ottie's head.
  • She reveals her middle name to you, as a nickname.
  • She invites you to a private karaoke session in the boarding school's karaoke room.
  • She has you taste test between 2 mystery meats, salmon sushi and seal meat.
  • She invites you over to the cabin that her family lives in for a sledding and skiing trip. She tries to get a bit intimate with you because she feels a bit safe, but feel free to reflect how you honestly feel.
Anna Avellaneda 
  • You help format her essay that she wrote in one entire, huge paragraph. Her entire life, her parents helped her format her essays, but in this school, the teachers don't want to help her due to their expectations. 
  • She invites you to try churros with chocolate sauce after school.
  • She finally trusts you with her first name.
  • She can't stop kicking your feet under the lunch table to get your attention, because she's suddenly infatuated, curious and fascinated by everything about you. Your response relies on it.
Jen Escamilla
  • In a intimate moment, she forces you to do everything out of a mixed bag of feelings: feeling flustered, overwhelmed and shy, which may seem completely out of character for our Jen-E.
Celeste Rodchenko
  • You alphabetically sort out her music playlist on her MED (Music Enjoyment Device).
Game mechanics
  • You must walk in the hallway to have encounters with girls.


Home by Toby Fox

  • Plays in comfortable moments
  • Plays when you are in your room
Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru (Karaoke)
  • For the finale moment
  • Note: Edited for a lower pitch, plus slower BPM


  • S2G Love

I want to make content for Inuits

 I am half Inuit. Native Americans came from Eurasia, and my father's mother is half Native-American. I grew up with half a European influence, and half an Asian influence (manly Chinese and Japanese). So my pitch is this.

I would like to make some type of content for Eurasian girls like me, specifically those who aren't necessarily pale. I was thinking of maybe making a dating simulator where there's also Hawaiian girls in it as well, but to be honest, I never really, played any of those games throughly. I think I had a few times when I was really young, It would be a bishōjo game. I just want to find and make people like me happy and help them find their identities. 

Or, I could make a cartoon based off the design of the Ice Climbers because those characters deeply comforted me when I was small. 

These are just ideas, I'm willing to work on them. Thank you

I really don't like how blonde characters are depicted in Anime

 Welcome to my blog where I share my opinion.

Ok, so basically I really hate how blonde girls tend to be written in anime. They are seen as boisterous or a novelty character with their own unique traits. I'm actually working on a self insert character to put into my favorite franchises' universes myself. I guess it's a projection of how Japanese people and anime writers in general may feel about blonde people, at least the dyed blondes put into a character. I've seen people act sporadically different compared to how they were with their natural hair color, and the dyed haired one..  I nearly got traumatized by someone who was a false blonde due to her petty behavior and disrespect towards me to the point I almost started to make generalizations to avoid blondes like her, but I was able to almost heal for the most part. Thanks for more trauma.. 

Anyways, this depiction of them makes them uncomfortable to watch whenever they are on screen. Even though they are aesthetically appealing to look at and everything, I hate how they act. So this makes it difficult to watch Oreimo. Maybe I need to dye my hair blonde and watch it in order to complete the entire franchise's animated works, but IDK. Hell, maybe I'm better off reading the manga. Obviously, Kuroneko is my favorite character. I don't like Miki from iDOLM@STER as well. Who told the innocent cast of the show creators they needed a blonde character?

I hate her. There's a weird obsession with her chest size. I heard that she wasn't supposed to be in the game at all. I really wish that came true. 

This is a fan's description of her.

"Miki has rarely had to work hard for anything. It is because of this that she always approaches tasks with a very laid back attitude. She manages good grades with minimal effort, and was born with good-looks that belie her age. She even receives around 20 confessions of love per day from boys. She's grown up in a very laissez-faire family, who had no problems with her becoming an idol. While she doesn't really have cruel intentions, she believes like everything else, she can make her way to becoming top idol easily."

I guess iDOLM@STER wouldn't be as realistic if we didn't have a snobby character like Miki, but I wish she was just go away. I hate this character so much. In my opinion, she needs to leave all the other girls ALONE, and let them be safe in their journey to find theirselves through music, we really don't need Miki, she is a pervert trap character.

Also, why couldn't a more darker-haired color character get Miki's personality and character? Did it really have to be this annoying blonde? Disclaimer: I don't hate blonde people, not at all, they tend to be interesting and funny, but it's easy to feel badly about yourself if you were to compare yourself to these fictional characters. I feel like the argument of "it's not real!" can be a bit hypocritical because the characters are placed in realistic situations while looking as human and physically relatable as possible. I guess that can be a conversation for another time.

I hate that her life is so perfect only at age 15. When I was 15, I was struggling with my abusive family, but life was good at times. It's just that it's so special and magical to be an idol and everything and this girl just gets the opportunity just because she probably seen one in passing one day and decides to be one just because she can. It's irritating and is hypocritical to the hard-working message of the entire franchise.

This is it for now.


Was I the only one..

 Was I the only one that actively watched "old" cartoon network shows in elementary school? I know that I'm from 2005, but I took my time out to watch "old" shows such as almost everything they aired on the Boomerang channel, Foster's home, PPG, Dexter's Lab, and other shows. 

Huh.. no wonder why I'm like this.

I tried asking my elementary school best friend (I had several) if she had seen any of those shows and she just said "nope, why do you even care so much about these old shows?!" I didn't let it effect me. That happened for like three times in a row that we were going home to our parents. It was a nice school, but anyways, I couldn't meet or find anyone who was born in the same year as me that loved these shows as much as I did, so I had no choice but to really talk to people who were a bit older than me, even if it was a fading memory in their heads. 

That's it for now.

Bye nya-ow >.0

I showed my crush..

 I showed my crush Bossa Nova album that we happened to find together on Youtube. It was a nice experience. I had to awkwardly bring up my ex however because he was from Brazil and Bossa Nova is from that country. My crush and I never really became much of anything, but it's fine.

Good morning to you ^.^

I really don't like Steven Universe

 As a child, I was invested into the show. The concept of humanized crystals did not really hook onto me as intensely compared to other concepts, but it pushed me to start researching about my birth stone to hopefully make an interesting character, one which I did made (named Topaz) and that character had a crush on Lars, lol. 

I was enamored with the show for some time, but I think it's best I finally let go of the show, for good.

I really don't like this show. A lot of the times, it felt like the animators and the show writers wanted an excuse to show intimacy with the characters. It felt like SU was a show for teenagers and young adults rather than children, even though Steven is like, middle school age. I was into the show from elementary school to middle school, but I'm happy I started to become disinterested in it. Some of the scenes actually confused me and made me feel uncomfortable as well. I feel like this show was a wasted opportunity compared to other shows that could've deserved an opportunity to air on the iconic Cartoon Network, and honestly, it's one of the reasons why CN is so mediocre and underwhelming nowadays. Regular Show was strange enough.

I liked the romance parts of it, but I felt like there were missed opportunities in good representation, and I feel like the writers were trying their best to people please some individuals in their life with these new characters. I found myself relating to Connie when I was younger, but I felt hurt when I learnt of her actual racial identity. I imagined myself with beautiful long hair like hers, and I resonated with her personality but I felt like I wasn't allowed to relate to her just because I'm not from the same background as hers. I feel like when people choose a "ethnic" name for a racially ambiguous character (like the dark-skinned girl from Turning Red) they close the door for anyone else from any other background to relate to them and that is harmful and unproductive. In that action, they are specifically describing or stating that only these groups of people can relate to this character and no one else. It was fine for me because I already accepted that some people may perceive me as shy and intelligent at that time. Hell, I could even relate to Connie's nose shape back then but that tidbit of Connie's "true identity" ruined the relatability aspect for me.

I'm frustrated at the cast and crew who wrote the show in it's later seasons because they deprioritized the main plot line in many of it's climax points to describe meaningless filler moments that honestly could've waited. I wouldn't be surprised if the crew did this in their personal lives as well, depritorizing important things. I mean, you managed to get your show idea for a really big network and there's hiatuses left and right. Only God knows what was happening to them during those times, but still. That was deeply disappointing for me and many other people at that time. I didn't know what to do during those summers I was waiting for the show to come back besides obsess over how Cartoon Network used to be, and that happened to be a ritual I've done over the years when there was nothing new that interested me. 

I don't like how sensitive topics like LGBTQ+ is presented in the show. It should be gradually introduced, especially because the first romance in the show was a heterosexual couple, as it's a very sensitive topic in a lot of climates of the real world. It shouldn't just be put out there to exist and the lesson should be that we should all accept it's existence, it has to come after a foundation is made so the audience can be more comfortable with seeing it on screen. I'm not going to give any examples because even though I resonate with some parts of a LGBTQ+ identity, I'm mainly either non-binary or cisgender, it fluctuates, I may be genderfluid but that's a topic for another time. That's why this cartoon was so often misunderstood TBH due to what feels like a angsty teenager just yelling to families across the world to "accept them" without even giving a basic understanding of their existence in the first place. 

Otherwise, the team for this show was exceptionally talented. I always admired the color schemes, but honestly, this show is incomplete. They needed to take some time to sort it out, maybe to perfection, like for the first - third seasons. The show showed it's instability in it's writing and foundation throughout the later seasons. There was going to be no surprises in how awful these filler episodes were, not to mention the unwatchable movie and other nonsense, if they didn't add ten thousand hiatuses.

That's it. I'm going to watch Miguzi now or something. 

For my reward of finally unloading my emotions on SU, let's go get sushi or something.

Aikatsu has absolutely no filler

 I'm sure some "die-hard" fans could possibly disagree with me, but it's true. It's not like those people searching only for story-related episodes are in the wrong. Maybe I'm still traumatized by my Steven Universe phase, because there was an abundance of seemingly worthless filler when a huge portion of the fandom just wanted to focus on how the story would progress, especially at such a climatic part of the series. 

I believe that those who don't want to see the "filler" episodes of this show are just passionate to see their idol journey progress. It's just that the protagonists of Aikatsu are obviously people, too. They deserve to develop theirselves in other ways by meeting new people and having new experiences, so I guess it's safe to say that I do care deeply about the characters.


Miis I want to make on my Japanese 3DS

  • Yuki Nagato
  • Glasses girl (from Lucky Star)
  • Haruhi Suzumiya
  • Cassie (Brunette vers.)
  • Grey Kitten 

003 :: Aikatsu 3DS Research

 Hi. So I really want to get the video games for Aikatsu, specifically the 3DS games. I'm thinking of getting a Japanese 3DS. I've been meaning to get one for some time now, specifically 5 years. It would truly help me improve on my Japanese skills more overall. 

So, with help from the fanmade wiki, I will research all there is to know about the video games to help me make a smart purchase. I heard that players get to scan the cards into the game as well? Which sounds really interesting and cool, it sounds like a much better and fun step up to OMLAB. Speaking of that, I really wish they could've made a comeback in the 2010s with amiibo cards and the 3DS.. it could be interesting if I could make a fanmade game like that for OMLAB, but I just don't know a lot about game consoles in general in order to do something like that, heh.. ^^ ; 

Aikatsu Stars! First Appeal (アイカツスターズ!ファスートアピール) 

Apparently, this is the first out of 2 games released for the Nintendo 3DS relating to Aikatsu. It was apparently free to download (?!) with paid DLC. Unfortunately, you cannot create your own character in this game, you may only play as "Laura" or "Yume". Players say that there isn't much to do unless you purchase the DLC.

Aikatsu Stars! My Special Appeal (アイカツスターズ!マイスペシャルアピール)

So this is the expansion game of the earlier mentioned game. You can customize your own character. There's a whole lot of games included that comes with this game. I heard there's physical cards you can scan in to unlock outfits, similarly to OMLAB, and that's what I'm very excited for. Players have described a difficulty of scanning the cards in however, so I may have to digitalize them on my computer. Good thing I have a built-in webcam for that, haha ^^

So that's it for my research for now.

I hope that this could be helpful for you, if you were also needing assistance when it comes to this. 

- Mod Nanami & Kirari

I like Aikatsu!

I think Aikatsu is truly a unique and wonderful anime. The clothing designs are absolutely adorable, so the character designers and all the artists involved are truly talented. I adore the 8-bit instrumental as well. 

It's just that, it feels like almost as if the Aikatsu team was inspired by Oshare Majo Love & Berry, the video game to create this anime. I see almost no other real world connection to this show than that. Let me explain.

In OMLAB, you need to acquire cards that are representative of an outfit (shoes, clothing) and/or hairstyles to heighten your performance in the rhythm game. I think it heightens your character's confidence as they dance. They don't necessarily plan to be idols like the Aikatsu girls, it's just that it seems like they are dancing for the fun of it, so that's a sweet sentiment. (I fully understand I need to brush up on my Japanese...). 

It feels like the girls of Aikatsu are just being idols just because they could, and they're already leading such happy, harmless and carefree lives with their only responsibility being school and catching concerts on time. Compared to ZLS (Zombieland Saga), those girls are trying their best to become idols due to the novelty and the rare 0.0001% chance of their existence. They had a lucky manager to "exploit" their existence, although they don't mind because it's better than being deceased..forever (?). 

So yeah.. that's it for now. I still like Aikatsu, I just need to be cautious when I'm looking for merchandise to buy. I feel like this was the perfect anime I needed in my elementary school years to stop feeling so depressed, lol. It's almost like my soul was searching for something Japanese and "kawaii" to obsess over but I couldn't really find anything besides Cinnamoroll from the Sanrio universe and Moshi Monsters (Which is British). 

That's it for now. 


-- Mod Kirari & Mod Nanami

I'm not sure if I should watch Code Geass

 It seems like Evangelion for.. British people. There has been this ongoing silly meme online about how certain anime characters don't like British people, and the only reason that made me feel uncomfortable is because that it's a mischaracterization and they keep projecting their personal opinions and values onto innocent anime characters who may be neutral at best when it comes to topics like that. It ruins someone's first impression of that character, and I don't really care if one may say that I'm being too serious.

My first impressions was that it was a much beautiful 2010's Precure show, judging by the art style and the animation style, so I was admittedly going to keep watching it to see how far it'll go with that, but I quickly became disappointed and wanted to leave the moment they started to talk about Great Britain. I also found the green haired character pretty breathtaking, but I wanted more of a context.

It's because my grandmother's island was colonized by them. I don't want to support Japan being in treat of Britain because my family had already experienced a real life threat from them. I really like Japan, but I need to learn more about its politics.. I enjoy it's culture and pop culture in general. I don't want to force myself to watch something that makes me uncomfortable, especially because it's not for a academic setting so I'm going to drop it for now.

I don't think there's anyone or anything that can make me turn around what I think right now.

That's it, bye.

I love Zombieland Saga (Revenge)

 Hi. So I just finished watching the first episode of the second season. I started to remember why I even started this show in the first place... it was because that I was feeling suicidal after being bullied in school, and I wanted to see if joy can truly ring again in this possible-or-impossible "afterlife" that these girls are somehow gifted with. I was 13. I haven't watched anything related to this franchise in 5 years, but now I'm excited to watch more of what this show has to offer.

It heightened the passionate fire in me to keep living on. That's what the show taught me, without me realizing it. I desperately wanted to die before, due to the disappointment of a underwhelming high school experience. I remember I can still somehow be a net idol.. that's my dream. I want to perform in Japanese and English, while wearing cute elaborate outfits that somehow the character designers of Aikatsu! and Precure could design for me. I feel like I can never work on myself too intensively to be truly 'completed', so I'm ready to always learn, adapt and become a new person, but I don't know if I can survive another abusive environment.. I need a supportive one that's not too generalized. I always liked to sing in Japanese, since I was a child, so to be a net idol would be super cool. I try my best to practice at home, it's not my fault I don't necessarily get to have singing lessons.. my family doesn't really believe in me, and it's not entirely their fault but I want to be someone and something, not just something that merely exists in this world. I guess my dream overall is to be a Japanese Pop Star. That's it for now. Pwease don't steal my dream, L-O-L. (´・д・`)

Anyways, to return to the anime.

The song in the first episode absolutely blew me away, but the whole episode reminded me that I wish I could be in an environment where it's okay to make mistakes and learn. It feels more terrifying but more comforting, admittedly when you're surrounded by people with the same goal. The anime is fantastic. I started to think, was there really a need to write more episodes? They already accomplished so much in this first episode. I'm not complaining however, more enjoyment for me~~

I think that's it for now, so enjoy more of my thoughts.....!

-- Mod Kirari

002 :: My Anime Challenge

 Hallo everyone. 

So I plan to watch every anime I put on my "to-plan list" starting today. I was planning an animation project, but I have chosen to convert it into a readable story instead, due to mental health restrictions. I have over 300 I would like to watch, but I also have a lot of free time.

I tried to watch Yumeiro Patisserie, but it's a bit too much of a fantasy for me. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. It's very sweet and comforts me, but I feel some stress when the protagonist gets in trouble. Anyways, I want to become more cultured in magical girl shows and girly shows. I want to learn everything about them to hopefully feel inspired to create my own, but to also illustrate more intelligently. i like cute things that are elaborate and complicated. 

I don't really like shows with violence unless the violence is necessary in a scene, like to protect characters, or something, like in Mirai Nikki

I will start this challenge from Z to A. I hope I can enjoy myself and find myself illustrating a lot more ^^

I'm not sure about sharing it online, however..

The only stress I feel is worrying if I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable. That would get in the way of the challenge. I might have to drop an entire anime, even though I plan to watch Higurashi and maybe even learn more about Umineko

Anyways, I hope to enjoy myself, and like, get ready to see a bunch of more anime reviews populating on here for now on~!

Thank you nya-ow~

-- Mod Kirari


✟ 001 :: anime review :: gunslinger girl

★★ || Greetings everyone. This is my ANIME REVIEW of the anime, "GUNSLINGER GIRL". I had another blog before this, and I honestly believe that should be my lifestyle blog and this one can be my hobbyist one. I don't want to put all of my eggs into one basket, hm?

Anyways.. I can't exactly remember when I started the anime. I was watching it in one sitting but I fell asleep.. not because it was boring, but because I was not well-rested.

From what I can gather without spoiling too much, it's about a group of young girls that were recruited to be assassins. They are equipped and trained with guns. They all live together, with their unique appearances and personalities. 

The relationships between the girls and their trainers comforted me, and I feel like those relationships might've incidentally inspired a story that I'm working on. I think this anime comforts me in a way so deeply that not even I may have realized all the areas it does. 

I generally like all of the girl characters, but my favorite one is Triela. I feel like I can identify with her the most when it comes to appearances, and it's nice to see a tan character that isn't seen as a joke or for pure fetishization purposes.  I just learnt that her name means Princess, how sweet - and maybe fitting, hehe~☆. 

What she thought about in one of the episodes promoted me to also ponder. She wondered what is she to her trainer, and what does her trainer exactly want her to be, for him. That reminded me of my relationship with my father.... Growing up, I had no idea what my father wanted me to be except to be a child. He didn't try to mold me into really, anything.... & he didn't have enough patience to study with me, so I had to eventually learn on my own. He was aggressive and unforgiving, and always thought to discipline me for the slightest of "offenses". Childhood trauma aside, I hope Triela finds a definition soon. She's definitely a underrated character who deserved more love and merchandise - I would collect everything of hers, lol~.

Sometimes I get Claes and Angelica confused, but they're both two pretty characters.

Spoiler warning for Episodes 10 & 11 

Something that bothered me about Henrietta is that I don't like how she's placed on a shelf as like, the most adorable thing that the writers have ever seen. It's almost as if, why did they choose to write the other girls? What made me uncomfortable is that Henrietta likes to wave around the fact that her handler doesn't treat her coldly and doesn't mind treating her to nice things and even touching her, even in front of other "cyborgs" and in comparison. I hate it, but I know it's the writers' trying their best to illustrate naivety within the character. I'm angry because Elsa was a great character, too. Why do characters that tend to be strict and disciplined always get the short end of the stick? I wanted to cry when her handler described her as useless for just standing there. I suppose Elsa can resonate with her handler's cold nature. I felt a bit jealous because Henrietta's handler reminded me of someone I used to know. I wish that somehow, we could be affectionate or at least experience a physical touch within each other like how Henrietta gets her handler's assistance when she's trying to aim for the target. I know a lot of people would categorize "being jealous/envious of a fictional character" as a red flag, but I think it's rather healthy to experience the emotion, plus the character doesn't exist IRL, and even if she did, I would never hurt her. The gist of what I'm trying to say is this -- Elsa had a right to feel envious and defensive towards Henrietta during their first personal meeting. She had a right to feel as if they have no love, because their lives were saved by the agency and their handlers chose them individually. It perfectly makes sense.

The other thing that bothers me honestly is that Henrietta perfectly predicted how Elsa and her handler died. Is it weird I feel happy that Elsa had an escape from that stressful love epidemic? I guess karma was catching up to the handler for describing her as "useless" and being so tunnel-visioned on work only, forgetting that Elsa is just as human as him, even. They're working with real girls, so I feel grateful in a sense that Henrietta's "humanization" process during episode 11 was acknowledged. She said that they were trying to make her "more of a girl" by removing her weapons temporarily and having her cook a meal for everyone, with assistance from one of the female characters. It looks like she doesn't have a base or core definition of what it means to be a girl and herself anyways, I would just tell her that being herself is enough but it looks like these girls don't really have much of a gender identity besides the feminine clothes and accessories they are given. 

I hope this obsession with Henrietta being "the most cutest thing ever" will just melt away by the time I'm done with the first season. I thought she was harmless and I didn't let her get to me as a character, I was more so preoccupied on the other girls.

I guess the other reason I am interested in the show is the weaponry, but that's a controversial topic on itself. I think it is interesting, but I'm happy that in my childhood, I had a fixation on Splatoon and certain weapons within that game, not real life weapons. That was a more harmless and worrisome fixation.

I might show a friend of mine my Henrietta plushie so I can finally acknowledge my emotions about the man I really like. I guess I'll realize for sure if these feelings are inappropriate or not in a professional setting.

I felt really bad for Elsa when she couldn't complete her task, and she couldn't help but look at the other handlers. It seems that Henrietta and her handler have the most desirable relationship, but it would be strange to write, or lament on "how fortunate Henrietta is". 

- spoilers for episodes 10 & 11 end -

I think my favorite genre of anime and cartoons in general are 'cute girls doing badass things', like Alien 9 and the Powerpuff Girls. It's always been easy for me to identify with these characters, but now I'm maturing and moving onto the magical girl genre as I want to understand it in a Japanese cultural lens, because the American one is honestly abusing it's freedom to even have the rights to air such shows in the US in the first place. Not only that, but it's been practically abandoned since 4Kids. 

I think people need to give Angelica a chance and more of a break. For crying out loud, her parents tried to massacre her. Also, I'm unsure if the agency forces these girls to be killing machines or not. I have to re-watch the first episode.

I guess that's it for now.

Bye, nya-ow~!

Xiu-Ying & Her Blog -- Animated Intro

 The intro to Xiu-Ying & Her Blog is finally complete!