
My dating simulator idea

 Citrus Crush

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.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

。・゚゚・               ・゚゚・。

ᯓ★ Characters

Note: these characters are ageless.

❀ Mother (No, you cannot date the mother character.)

    - She is a bit of a helicopter parent, meaning she is a worrywort when it comes to you. She can't help     but worry about you, now that you've more than excelled in your school and will now be sent to a            elite school nonetheless.

    - She had a fixation on girly things for the youth even after well meeting her mid-20's. She had always     wanted a daughter, but after discovering that she'll have a son, she expressed her gratitudes to the            gods every day until you were around five years old because she was so thankful to have a child,            nonetheless.

❀ Haukea Hao - half Chinese, half Hawaiian girl

    ⊹ Very nerdy but intelligent (well versed in geeky culture)

    ⊹ 4'11, 44kg

    ⊹ Brunette hair with pink highlights

    ⊹ Favorite food: Spicy Tuna Onigiri

    ⊹ Signature color: Teal

    ⊹ Favorite instrument: Xylophone

    Toyhou.se page

❀ Kissimi "Yuka" Natsik - Half Russian/Japanese, half Black girl

    ⊹ 5'1, 50kg

    ⊹ Hair: Light brunette/dark black 

    ⊹ Skin tone: Pale brownish (like a cookie)

    ⊹ Eye color: Darkish blue

    ⊹ Hobbies: Sledding by dogs, eating seals, singing

    ⊹ Favorite color: Periwinkle

    ⊹ Constantly wears her winter uniform around campus because her mother says that she has a                 problem with feeling cold frequently. She also has a scarf wrapped around her waist at all times just      in case she needs it.

❀ Anna Avellaneda - Half Puerto Rican, Half White girl

    ⊹ Tends to speak in texting culture (constantly uses acronym in everyday speech)

    ⊹ 5'3

    ⊹ Golden blonde with curls

    ⊹ Easily flirty and humorous to the point that she makes other girls feel uncomfortable

    ⊹ Signature color: Yellow

    ⊹ Wears face stickers and bandages on her face for a aesthetic

❀ Jen Escamilla (Nickname: Jen-E, like Jennie) - Half Spanish, Half Chinese girl

    ⊹  6'1

    ⊹ Self-proclaimed social media "successful superstar"

    ⊹ Dark green eyes

    ⊹ Men are attracted to her because people like to say that she is "sexy". but wouldn't know the first         thing about said thing. She is only a mean person because she is fixated on how people perceive her         physical form than what makes it up.

❀  Celeste Rodchenko - Black girl

    ⊹ 4'11, 44kg

    ⊹ Intelligent, but can be scatter-brained and nervous at times, along with reserved

    ⊹ She was adopted by a European family, but tends to keep her emotions to herself, and is very quiet         even with her family

    ⊹ Signature color: Black and hot pink

    ⊹ Hair color: Black and brunette (black gradient tips)

    ⊹ Eye color: Pink

    ⊹ Gothic, but surprisingly enjoys bright colors.

    ⊹ Doesn't like spicy food

    ⊹ Can be described as a Shundere or emo

    ⊹ Favorite group is Imogen Heap


These girls are enrolled in Rose Garden Boarding School, in Hawaii, USA. The story takes place sometime in 200X. It was originally an all-girls school, but due to your high grades, and your mother's influence on you, you get to be transferred as an exceptional transfer student to the school. It's an experiment, as that school is the number one elite in the nation overall, and it even beat many top colleges and universities in academics.

Your mother always wanted a daughter, but tried her best to sort out those emotions within herself and not pressure you, although you tend to have more feminine things than masculine things in your room. Your mother never told you what gender is for what things that you own, so you just have a collection of various, assorted items. So, you are a non-binary male in this game. 

Your mother always wanted some sort of a "little princess", but finally accepted that it would be wrong to force that onto you. So she will propose the idea to make your GF a princess in the family instead. 

The goal of the game is to bring back home one girl to spend the rest of your life with, maybe that was your mother's secret motivation to bringing you to a previously all-girls school in the first place. She also has extra clothes and other girly artifacts that would be appreciated by a girl than a guy, such as dresses and whatnot, so she is admittedly searching for someone to spoil. You have one month before your mother transfers you to a normal school, no matter how good your grades are. 


  • Week 1; Day 1: You learn that you got an acceptance to Rose Garden Boarding School, and you are enrolled there.
  • W1, D2: You meet Haukea in your first morning class. She caught your eye, first by the bright pink highlights, and then noticing the colorful manga she was reading under the desk. The player has to choose to either tattle on her (tell a teacher) or let her be and talk to her after class. If you let her be, she'd appreciate you letting her read in peace, and you guys would have a short discussion about the manga. If you tattle on her, she'd be angry and threaten to throw the manga at your head, but the teacher calms both of you down. One of the choices help you establish a friendship.
  • W1, D3: You meet Natsik by accidentally bumping into her in the hallway. She was carrying her Ottie plush, her favorite childhood character from the mysterious television. She stared into your eyes for an extended period of time. The plushie landed in a convenient space. If you just apologize, she will overlook the incident. If you help her up, she will blush and thank you shyly. Don't pressure her too much to raise her voice, though.
  • W1, D4: In a computer class, you see Avellaneda quickly typing on her laptop. It doesn't help that she chose to sit right next to you, and it's completely decked out with stickers.. despite the fact that it belonged to the school, apparently. The more you examine the screen, the more you might be closer to become friends with her.. or get scolded, then proceed to be reprimanded by the teacher. Either way, she can't help but exclaim boldly and loudly as a reaction to.. almost, everything. Maybe that might be a slight over-exaggeration, but still..
  • W1, D5: That was a long week of school, and you met so many interesting girls already! Now you can invite one girl to your home, and let's see how that would span out. Everyone lives in walking distance, or bike riding distance from the school, including you and your mother, that's probably one more motivator for her sending you here in the first place..!
  • Week 2, Day 1: Based on who you invited to come over to your home, they will go to school with you in the mornings before going on her separate way.
  • Week 2, D2: You try to head to your morning class, until you hear these irritating digital beeps behind you, consecutively. After you can't stand it anymore, you turn around and realize there's been a schoolgirl following behind you all this time. She was texting her friends about how there's a freaky perverted guy in her all-girls school, and that she doesn't know what to do now. If you stand up to yourself, you might eventually find out her last name, which is Escamilla. *If you noticed this pattern, you'd realize that these girls are known by their last name. Once you spend more time with them, you'd learn their middle or first names.*
  • Avellaneda overhears the commotion and steps in to defend you, because new people come and go in life all the time, and change is normal. She is talking from her experience of consistently moving away from home to home and changing school to school. This silences Escamilla for now. Well, except her phone that goes beep-boop.
  • Week 2, D3: As Escamilla is walking by, she purposefully drops her phone in front of you and makes it out to seem like you bumped into her and made her drop it. If you choose to start an argument, she will catch some feelings for you. If you brush her off, her eyes will water and she will run away.
  • Week 2, D4: There is a gloomy looking girl in the back of your science class. She isn't doing anything, just listening to quiet anison music with her head down, as she is wearing a long sleeve slip (your mother wears one of those at times..) that hid her from the outside world. If you just stand there, she'll sense your presence, and it would be an awkward staring contest before she removes the headphones and introduces herself. You guys are talking after class has well ended. She had left her notebook unattended, only writing her first and last name and the current time on the first line of the notebook. "Celeste Rodchenko".
  • Week 2, D5: Another school week, another long week. You get to choose who to invite over the weekend. You can invite up to two girls.
  • Week 3, Day 1: The school provides free flip phones for all of the students, and they are free to customize it as they please.
  • W3, D2: If you didn't invite Rodchenko over, she would be absent but left her headphones and notebook on her desk. It's up to you to find where she is. Escamilla begrundingly tells you where she usually hangs out at: the internet cafe on the second floor of the school. Rodchenko is seen.. crying, alone? In a locked room, nonetheless?!
  • W3, D3: Escamilla steals your seat and sits next to Avellanda instead, which frustrates you because you woke up late. Your decision reflects your emotions, and things will escalate from there. It turns out Escamilla was bullying Avellanda for weeks ever since she enrolled here, as she is also a new transfer student, and she was just sitting next to you because she was attracted to your kind, radiating aura. Hao shouts at everyone to please be a bit quiet as this is her favorite class, and her mother is restricting her computer time here by adding a adult lock on it for 3 hours, even though she's too old for that. Natsik unfolds the scarf around her waist and wraps it around her neck as it engulfs her lips because she is overwhelmed, and the texture of the scarf comforts her. 
  • W3, D4: [insert character related activity depending on friendship levels]
  • W3, D4: 
  • Week 4:
  • Week 5:
  • Week 5.5 (6): The final week of your time in this boarding school. The girl that you have the highest friendship level with, will come home with you. Your mother will say different things based on the type of girl that she is.
Note: Weekends are only available if there's a reason for it to be.

Topics I want to tackle in this

  • Bullying, peer pressure
  • Child abuse
Activities with the characters

Haukea Hao
  • She will ask you to roleplay the manga she is reading with her as a bonding activity.
  • She reveals her first name to you.
  • You help her put back a hair extension piece that fell out, even though she looks breathtakingly beautiful without the highlights.
  • You help her practice a xylophone piece, that she is nervous to play by the sheet music. She is used to being a totally freelance musician. Think you can help her?
  • Invitation to the Calligraphy club, where you guys practice writing Kanji together. Kanjis are "dream", "to love", and "to die" (逝).  
Kissimi "Yuka" Natsik 
  • In the most coldest room of the school, she dares you to eat popsicles with her under the AC unit.
  • She asks you to put the hoodie on Ottie's head.
  • She reveals her middle name to you, as a nickname.
  • She invites you to a private karaoke session in the boarding school's karaoke room.
  • She has you taste test between 2 mystery meats, salmon sushi and seal meat.
  • She invites you over to the cabin that her family lives in for a sledding and skiing trip. She tries to get a bit intimate with you because she feels a bit safe, but feel free to reflect how you honestly feel.
Anna Avellaneda 
  • You help format her essay that she wrote in one entire, huge paragraph. Her entire life, her parents helped her format her essays, but in this school, the teachers don't want to help her due to their expectations. 
  • She invites you to try churros with chocolate sauce after school.
  • She finally trusts you with her first name.
  • She can't stop kicking your feet under the lunch table to get your attention, because she's suddenly infatuated, curious and fascinated by everything about you. Your response relies on it.
Jen Escamilla
  • In a intimate moment, she forces you to do everything out of a mixed bag of feelings: feeling flustered, overwhelmed and shy, which may seem completely out of character for our Jen-E.
Celeste Rodchenko
  • You alphabetically sort out her music playlist on her MED (Music Enjoyment Device).
Game mechanics
  • You must walk in the hallway to have encounters with girls.


Home by Toby Fox

  • Plays in comfortable moments
  • Plays when you are in your room
Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru (Karaoke)
  • For the finale moment
  • Note: Edited for a lower pitch, plus slower BPM


  • S2G Love

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