
おちゃらけたよ -rewrite-

-Track 3 of my first EP- 

eating left out food

at the stroke of 3 a m (*tick, tock, **tick...) *echo effect **echo clave effect there

whilist embracing the unbearable cold

so i suppose this is a life of a inuit

living how my ancestors once had lived

this is my truth so don't try to deny, that i'm a princess *sparkle sfx*

in that regard.

so about these days, life have progressed so slow

without your presence, i guess that is so

but the cold somehow feels different now

spending the days scroling through our chatlogs

and having something to smile about

conversating about our favorite songs, can we go back please?

i know i am undeserving, but..!!!!!

it would be awkward to try to reconnect

you can label me a sinner, a bully, however you'd like

but i'd die to see you again

but i must manipulate time to even see 1/10th of your smile.

the hands of time penetrate my ashy skin

it is painful, and hurts but

i'll keep going just for the sake of myself.

the clock dawns at 3

i try my best to grin through these days but

god knows i can be grinning with you. (flower punctuation) 

what am i supposed to do with myself.. i-

doing errands in the cold

is not surprisingly comforting

my tiara almost falls as something falls out my pocket

and somehow that caused a flashback within myself. . .

the hands of time penetrate my ashy skin

i know to live is to feel pain, but it's simply too much.

staring at old vcr televisions, retelling stories of the past.

eating left out food, at the stroke of 3am. (tick, tock, tick.)

whilist embracing the unbearable cold

so i suppose this is the life of a inuit

living how once my ancestors once had lived

but if only i can experience this

winter fairytale with you.

duration: 4:01

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