
is it just me?

 is it just me or do a lot of youtube videos have a lot of fluff? Even if you feel like you're watching constructive content of other people being productive but yourself  I notice there's a lot of gaps in the videos that I'm watching, that if you think throughly about what you're watching, there's a lot of fluff that arguably makes the videos that I'm consuming - unwatchable.

I try to be soft about this, especially because I enjoy seeing how other people live their lives and carry their soul, but sometimes the content people that people could be publishing to the world can be a bit too self indulgent. Whatever floats their boat, though. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really being productive by watching these videos, and I'm just trying to wait for inspiration to strike for myself. The glass often feels half empty after I'm done "enjoying" these videos. Maybe this is just depression, talking though.

I have been also analyzing some videos on my own spare time and I can tell which videos can just disinterest me in flat out a few seconds. Youtube suffers from a problem more than oversaturation. I think people are more preoccupied about the video they are willing to create for theirselves than the viewer. Yes, the best thing you can create is something that fulls your heart, but it has to be 50/50, 50% enjoyment for you, the creator and 50% enjoyment for the viewer, me. Those are just my rules on it, though.

Thanks for listening to me blab lol

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