
Life & Anime

 It's finally October, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. 

So watching some Umaru has changed my life for the better, I believe. Umaru's lazy habits reminded me of my childhood when I was really getting into, and fixated on the Splatoon franchise. I played that game morning, noon and night-time, and I remember eating anything from a range of greasy pizza to chewy candy (that actually took one of my tooth out one time and I had to stop playing). I think I could've benefited from a Twitter account at that time, but I was too young.

Anyways, I admit I have been living my life in a cycle, and going to uni has made me realize that. All I do is take a nap, eat my depressing food (even if it was something I really wanted to eat and drink), study, draw occasionally, watch anime occasionally, and nothing more. I also lurk on Discord to see what my online friends and acquaintances are up to, basically.

I admit that I am guilty of trying to re-create the olden days of 2010-2017. So many days were beaming with light and opportunity, sunrays of happiness and hope, before people's lives had fallen down the drain. So maybe it's safe to say that I miss pre-COVID times? But my life was.. well.. we shouldn't talk about this.. but it was H E L L in 2019. I really just miss the captivated innocence of those times. I know you can easily say that about any decade/time, but still.

Anyways, watching some of the Umaru OVA (I'm watching it completely out of order.. shame on me, right? )  had helped me reframe my thoughts on life a bit. I shouldn't chase down the past aesthetics of yesteryear, no. Tomorrow and today have so much to give us. 

Also, is it just me or do some anime from the middle quarter of a decade really make you feel like you're missing out on something? I guess that's the special, cursed magic of watching "past" animes at times. I might watch SPYxFAMILY soon, but I do remember announcing on my older blog that I wanted to do a completely anime watch of my planned-anime-list challenge. I didn't expect myself to take a break from school that would bless me with so much free time to do that, but also diminish me with so much depression that I just couldn't start on it, because that blog, is now, gone. :'D

Anyways, that anime made me realize that life isn't so serious, so I should either:

  • watch all serious animes first and foremost, then work my way down neutral animes
  • watch anime in order of it's publish year/date (oldest to youngest)
I think I should try to do the latter than the former. 

I shouldn't beat myself down for not really, being so invested in what was really happening in the past. There was a good reason or another why I wasn't part of those days back then. It's okay to not be included in every little thing, but if you have a chance to be included, be sure to at least try to take advantage of it.. 

I'm excited to watch all of these animes, although I don't really have much free time as much. I need to do something besides just depressing napping though. I have class tomorrow, and I might go to a club. (Thank you Haruhi Suzumiya for giving me motivation and confidence to join clubs in school).

-- Mod Cassandra

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Life & Anime

 It's finally October, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.  So watching some Umaru has changed my life for the better, I believe. Umaru's lazy hab...