
Episode Review: Collect All 5

Okay so this episode starts out with the girls waiting for the supermarket to open.. to look at cereal boxes. I admit that this feels a bit childish, but do Japanese people and other foreigners to American culture really see American cereal as a novelty, so much so that they would camp out at a supermarket outside to look at the available options?

Plus, what happened to using their time wisely as rock stars? They're seriously doing "something so totally lame" as obsessing over cereal for children? 

This series needs to be seriously patched up so I can stop feeling so irritated whenever I watch a episode.. I admit the voice acting is oddly comforting which leads me to return to the show.. but it's just a mish-match collage from hell itself.

How the hell does Ami know all the characters that make up the waist bracelet/necklace/thing from the cereal box? Shouldn't she be learning song lyrics, chords or something? ANOTHER MISSED OPPORTUNITY IN THE PUFFY AMIYUMI FRANCHISE. EVERYTHING IS SO MEANINGLESS, AND ITS JUST FULL OF CHEAP LAUGHS. >:T 

oh and random japanese references. the critics weren't wrong to describe the show as "Cheap animation".. I didn't want to admit it but it could've been a whole lot better. I rather watch making fiends (and making fiends isn't a bad show at all.. it's actually a bit heaps better than this show).

I hate how childish they made the characters. Aren't they supposed to be older teenagers? Although.. Ami and Yumi were around in their 30's when this show debuted.. they can make a show with 30-something year olds interesting. Just look at regular show.

So I notice a common theme with the show is that they use music from the duo to convey a feeling rather than actually reference the name and meaning of the songs. I guess I should just stop "being so ungrateful" and enjoy the fact that we got an official American release of some of their best songs, based off performances and Western opinions.

Unforutnately, this episode sucks. No worth sense of character development or anything, I honestly feel like it's making fun of the girls. Is this show.. racist? I might have to think more deeply about it.. although I feel like it's made by a bunch of cultural appreciators that are trying to make a step in the right direction.

Ami doesn't deserve to go insane. Although it kind of comforted me when I felt like I was being left to my own devices and toys for far too long. 

I guess one thing that's realistic in this segment is the fact that rare novelty toys like that is a bit expensive, especially when they resell it.

The little sound note when Ami and Yumi hug remind me of when you do a favor for a villager in Animal Crossing Wild World and they feel happy that you did it.

I wish Ami and Yumi somehow respected theirselves better to realize that this show isn't as amazing as it seems to be. It feels like they're making fun of theirselves and their culture. I feel like it totally isn't their fault though, there's a language barrier it seems. I think they can speak relatively good English but not to a fluent degree. I wish there was a kind interpreter or something..

Rating: Definitely 0/5

Bye Bye Boo

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