
HHPAY is seriously so lazy

 I can't believe I'm writing this, but it's true. I always felt like there was something off with one of my favorite shows of all time. It's only my favorite for several reasons.. the colors, the voice acting, and the colors.. again. It's not even the music that makes this show one of my favorites.

I feel like the show cast had capitalized off the naivety of children who just want to learn more about Japan. HHPAY is honestly a depressing little existence.

I feel frustrated when I watch the show because Ami and Yumi deserve better, and it's definitely an effort lost in translation. The show is honestly horrible, full of projections from Western culture and other nonsense. I wouldn't be surprised if they forced one of the voice actresses to accidentally speak Chinese instead of Japanese, or something.

They capitalize off of using the duo's music because it's memorable, and that's really, it. They don't care about what the song means or what they are saying, they are trying to use the music for the "feeling" of it. I'm glad I'm waking up.

No wonder Sam Register was willing to create a monstrosity like TTG. It's so disappointing and like, HHPAY would only be entertaining at heart to people who believe stereotypes are the undying truth of a nation.  I honestly.. hate how the show was executed. I know that there are some positive intentions in the show, like trying to showcase friendship and other things but.. just tell your children to watch the original Powerpuff Girls. They'll turn into better people.

I truly feel like these people in charge of these cartoons are just creating them because they don't really care. Just because "it's for kids" makes it worse. Kids' minds are growing and developing rapidly and they don't need harmful close minded gibberish to poison their minds.

I have to make a change in this fandom.. or something.. I appreciate Ami and Yumi's existence too much to let them die out like this in the western lens.. but what can I do? Well.. I am a 18 year old with a pencil and a hobby for art..

I just hope I can somehow make this better..

- Cassandra-chan

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mushi-p - ずっと迷子 (lost whole life) (english lyrics)

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