
Episode Review: Dis-Harmony

 The girls finish performing from a seizure-inducing segment. 

A lot of people like to criticize the show for having cheap looking animation. I think, that complaint is a disguise for wanting to be more immersed in the show, but having no idea how to really go about it.

It's not about the limitations of the show's software, because you can make a quality show no matter how cheap the softwares and materials are. The limitations are inside of you.

I really do feel like a lot of mindsets and approaches to this show's concept is awfully limiting. I wish I can rewrite the show, somehow...

I have an idea. Phew.

On another note, I hate how the writing crew seems to infantilize the characters' to try to make them seem more relatable to their target audience. I get that they're trying to appeal to children but it honestly just makes the girls seem stupid. That's why there's kind of an inconsistent ratio of Yumi to Ami fans, Yumi seems like the more "mature" one although she is awfully moody. This show honestly feels like a slap in the face to Ami and Yumi's hard work as performers. The energy and aura of the girls compared to their cartoon selves are completely different and unmatched, pretty incomparable.

This episode honestly feels like.. weird wishful thinking from the show writers' parts. I overheard that apparently, the show writers aren't even professional writers. Yeah.. we can tell.. and that's coming from a hobbyist writer.

Thank god Cartoon Network didn't hold a fan contest to meet the girls after this episode was released.. I mean I know that this is the first episode, but still..

I think the cast really westernized the show too much.. and the japanese dub just seems to be, just that.. a dubbing. Which really ruins that small crumb of immersement that the American fans get from hearing the characters occasionally talk in Japanese.

One problem with the show's art style is that the eyes may seem a bit unfocused, especially Ami's at times. It's a pretty design but it sides onto more of a girly aesthetic rather than a general understanding of eye anatomy appeal.. 

Ami has bunny pajamas. That was referenced later in an Easter CN City era bumper.

Basically.. the whole episode is just Harmony being super disrespectful to the girls' boundaries, to the point where it's disgusting than actually funny. For instance.. Harmony licking Yumi's face? Disgusting. 

Somehow Harmony gets attracted to Kaz' singing voice, and that sounded pretty funny for some reason. The episode ends with Ami and Yumi somehow missing that crazy brat.

Well.. that's all, folks..

Rating: Surprisingly..


This episode could've been written better somehow.. or not at all, even though it uses kitchen dinner table scraps to be entertaining, ha.

Bye Bye Boo

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mushi-p - ずっと迷子 (lost whole life) (english lyrics)

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