
how to make public video diaries actually interesting

❀ think about what you want to be known for

what do you want people to recognize you for? i believe that people are defined by their habits, hobbies, and personal interests, so just being yourself is more than enough for your video diaries, but you need to think about what parts of your life should you particularly focus on. those things can become the main forward focus of your channel and can make things a whole lot easier when thinking of ideas in the future.

try to not add mundane features in the video

Try to not add every-day things such as brushing your teeth, washing your face or even getting out of bed. You are a unique person, therefore a lot of different aspects of your everyday can be captivating to someone who may not have that in their life. I get that getting out of bed could be difficult and can be an understandable trait to feature in your video diary, but one has to get out of bed eventually.

Remember that most of the time, the people watching the video don't know you personally. I know that can be the "Surprise" when watching one's video diary but I feel like a lot of people are more vulnerable online than they realize, and then they end up regretting making such things, public later on. Maybe a good rule of thumb is to have only one thing to really, "complain" about that the viewer cannot do anything about, because the viewer could get to know your life and yourself more. 

consider video length

what is your ideal video length for a video diary? if it's hard to determine, maybe try creating one and see what was the average total time of the video. if you like the length of the video, try to aim for that length. that will regulate your editing and production, productivity.

❀ take a note of what exactly do you want to show about the world

I recommend making a list of activities that make you say "hey, this could be enjoyable as an observer" before recording your next video diary entry. It could speed up the process of producing a new video.

❀ take note of what you romanticize

This is an important one. I think you should think twice before you think of what to "romanticize" in your content. If you think throughly about it, you'd reduce the amount of "fluff" in your videos. In making a video diary you are showing a portion of your everyday life. So don't pressure yourself to romanticize things that are ordinary to you, I'm sure you can show them off in a beautiful yet simple way.

❀ think about what you enjoy seeing from other people throughly

self-explanatory from the title. i personally enjoy watching people in their workspace, getting ready to go out, decorating their space, people basically engaging in their hobbies & following their passions. what could be interesting to you may be boring to other people, but that's life and things are always changing around us.

❀ think about what you want people to take from you & about your life from the video

the comments under a video really say a whole lot about what people are taking from a video, what stood out to them the most and what they will carry through their days. I know what a lot of things people can take are spontaneous, which is true, but try to have a dedicated focus on what you want people to walk away with.

❀ you'll find your way

you'll find your style in time. don't give up, and keep on "experimenting" until you find the rhythm you can walk to. I personally enjoy watching others combine different, like youtube video topics together to make one? Like "art journal with me" in the middle of their "day in the life" video, that's pretty nice.

- END -

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