
my creative diary :: entry 2

 someone recommended me to make it more clear what kimi's age is, but i feel like that will come in time within the story. still, i'm grateful for their insight on my story! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧

someone else recommended for me to use a four-corner opposition, to basically split my story into 4 acts.


It appears that the 4th act is the overall full image of the story. it's just that, there will be 49 different stories and chapters for this franchise, so yeah. then, i might be taking a break from this franchise overall, i'm not quite sure yet. 

edit: it looks like this story could end in 20 chapters, not 49. okay, wow. i'm all for short stories, that was the exact length of my childhood comic book story and i was really happy with that. .0.

however, i guess this is a birds eye view overall of how the entire franchise is going to go.

this is what's up:

act 1 (chapters/stories 1 - 5): kimi realizes that this magical girl belt can help her make more wise decisions and choices, because she'd always acted on a first impulse throughout life. she believed her erratic nature could make her a good performer on stage. that's also another reason why she didn't want to immediately believe in what her friend was telling her, because she's clumsy and impulsive at times. she doesn't want to accidentally hurt a patient, but after some time and a light of kindness being shed on her by her friend, she realizes that maybe becoming a nurse wouldn't be a bad turnaround of fate.

act 2 (stories 6 - 10):  kimi becomes a nurse at the hospital, where she gets access to various tools that can be possessed by magic in order to execute a good action to improve the world and individual's insecurities. this time, the problem doesn't reside in her classmates, but her coworkers itself. so there's lots of drama. sylvester happens to be a new patient in the hospital, and she must somehow eliminate all of her other coworkers, especially in the romantic sense to care for him personally and individually. 

act 3 (stories 11 - 15): kimi is successful in taking care of sylvester. she aids him with past times such as painting, spoonfeeding him and watching tv together. he promises that he will marry her once his health gets better. meanwhile, raina somehow gets revived, and comes in as the new nurse. but she's less kind and perky as she used to be.. she's more jaded and "mature". her mother has been collecting information on kimi secretly ever since raina had passed away, and she's been working with scientists secretly for months to revive her daughter out of that nearly-fatal coma, and they finally got a success. instead of being friends, she now sees her as a absolute rival. she takes advantage of other people and hurts them mentally, and then steals their power to empower her. 

act 4 (stories 16 - 20): kimi lets her innocent soul free, because the truth is more potent than a fictional lie. chima gives her the idea to end raina's reign of evil for good, to just be yourself. chima could sense that kimi might've entered the relationship too quickly, because she was just happy to see someone that looked similar to her. all of her times with the belt has made her wise, along with chima being a friendly sidekick, so she was able to make raina ragequit once and for all. months later, sylvester is on a date with kimi and sees raina working in a fast food place. they choose to eat the food they cooked at home, and then it ends with a beautiful kiss between sylvester and kimi.

the end

there's also going to be filler chapters, such as:

  • celebrating kimi's 18th birthday
  • about the factory that made the belt
  • kimi's insecurities and anxieties
  • after kimi's identity is exposed, kimi is chosen to speak to children at a school, and learns how to co-exist with all this anxiety in her heart.

looks like i have to get to scripting.. ah, a job as a mangaka never ends.  TwT)👍

ideas i got from free-writing challenge:

  • the belt originated from a chinese anime, that takes place in a society where young girls literally have to fight to their doom to inherit their opponents' wardrobe and companion to be the best fashionista princess their society has ever seen, because their society relies on appearance a lot more than in the real world. 
  • the belt is created by humble women in a factory, that live in a real life society (in the book) where girls can only be viewed as cute or smart, and not both. they find that cute girls in their society constantly get tricked or hurt due to their naivety and their life journey of seeking out how to be more adorable in life, so to stop this, they made a belt that will transform them to their highest level with a cute outfit thats randomized per belt that will help them act with confidence.
  • chima will advise kimi during her fight with raina, such as when to get up and when to turn around. kimi explains away her scratches as a bicyclist hitting her on the way home. 
  • chima teaches kimi how to transform in a few seconds than for 30 seconds, by holding down the selected symbol for 5 seconds and then a flash will cover kimi and then she’ll be in her transformed outfit. 
  • kimi becomes a jirai kei influencer and gets compliments on her brown skin which make her beam with happiness, then lifts up the phone in the air for reaching 500 followers. chima also says she should be grateful for her unique outfit coordinates as well. 
  • kimi uses one of her tools to break chima free from a cheesy nacho trap thats in the basement of the hospital she works in.
  • there will be 20 evil coworkers she’ll have to deal with. then, its just pure strangers.

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