
Update :: no no no

Chance&Lucky is right! That was the song I was listening to last night. So apparently what happened with my package, is that unfortunately, the post office worker delievered it to the wrong address, because the last digit may look similar, especially late at night. Fortunately, they left the package at their house and didn't take it in ;----;

I'm eternally grateful and the kind individual will be in my prayers and thoughts today.

I was finally able to revive this color-specific (this is my first one) PSP that I've been wanting ever since high school!! Specifically, sophomore year, lol. It came with a idolmaster game as well! =3 

Along with this Japanese pokemon card! I recognize this character, lol.

Unfortunately, the letter opener I was using to open it caused a small dent in both the box and the case for the idolmaster game ;.;

But besides that, I put a new battery in the PSP, turned it on and it looks beautiful..!!

I admit, I am a complete newbie at the PSP. I opened this completely blind with no expectations. Even though I watched countless videos on PSP repair, feeling one in your hands is just a completely different experience. It's also a bit smaller than I expected, but that's perfectly alright.

Well, that's all. Thank you for reading this, and to all of my friends and everyone else who wished the best for me regarding this situation. I don't think I will forgive the post office worker for the mistake, because so many bad things could've happened to my poor pink baby, and I was depressed for three days straight. ;w;

My father also told me to stop ordering so many things from Japan, so I guess that will be the case until I move away, lol.

Bye bye boo~!

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animation memes

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