
the world is not made for you

 i think a lot of entitled people online have the audacity to say things like this:

"this character/story is not relatable to me. i'm going to change it to be more similar to me so that it can be more relatable. otherwise, this story is unacceptable."

people need to look inside of theirselves to understand what exactly gravitated them to this story in the first place, and recognize what is "relatable" in this topic itself before spewing such garbage online. 

i really hate those kinds of people, they are the worst kinds of art "consumers". they are ignorant and destructive of the original art's pure intention and vision and you can tell they have little to no passion for creativity. they rather have a machine pump out their vision for them or some other nonsense. it's honestly infuriating to see them plague anime spaces, complaining about stuff that doesn't concern them and they believe the world should make original characters into self inserts for them.

before you get accepted by others and be acknowledged, you must at least make a subtle attempt to accept other people's true nature, not just how you perceive them. your perception vs. the reality is two different things that must be distinguished. 

this is all i have to say for now.


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