
So.. about productivity

 I just needed to write this somewhere.

You must have a set of a few certain skills in order to complete something, and in a satisfiable quality as well.

- Focus

- Self-belief

When these skills are combined, it creates DETERMINATION (No Undertale reference intended).

When I was younger, there were projects that we had to complete in elementary school. I was an easily overwhelmed child. It's embarrassing to publicize, but instead of my parents telling me to take a break or helping me step by step on each part of the project, they either let me do it by myself with a complete misunderstanding of the tasks and treating me as if I know absolutely nothing when they read out the instructions, or my father wrote out almost everything on the second to last day the assignment was due, essentially doing the work for me instead of motivating me to actually do it by myself. It was awful and it took me a very long time to de-internalize that harmful production process.

Anyways, I wish I can complete things that I have started but I can't stand all of these confusing obstacles. I try to give myself a booklet that has all the basic information, complied by my notes in order to understand everything just in case I need a reference. I get frustrated and overwhelmed too easily, so I'm trying to unlearn the mistakes from my childhood. 

I am already a super productive person.

I'm learning Mandarin, I'm trying to write the code & story for my visual novel, trying to draw whenever I get an idea, and more things. I don't like to describe my creative process too much in detail because I hate to be super analytical about it, I guess I like a free flowing productivity. 

I guess that's it for now..

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