
Xiu-Ying & Her Blog: Episode 2

 Xiu-Ying sat in front of her laptop browsing through the big lists of blogs that have inspired her before and motivated her enough to make the move to start one of her own. Sewing, self-publishing, recipe blogs -- One thing they all had in common was that they had various amounts of advertisements scattered around their beautiful and unique pages.

"So, I suppose they're getting paid for their passion project, hm?" Xiu-Ying thought to herself. She didn't need to think twice if this should be a commitment for her, it was settled within her heart and mind that she'd be writing for a long time. She wouldn't mind revisiting those rushing emotions that she experienced when she was writing her very first public diary entry. Describing the fabric, and how it hugged her petite yet slender body. 

Even though her blog is quite literally.. 6 hours old, she believed that there would be no harm in trying to apply for Adthought -- the service that applies advertisements to your blog, and you literally get paid everytime you write, with a limit of a few thousand unique words of course. 

She put in her personal information, such as her full name, address, and email address in order for it to process with ease. Now all she has to do is just wait.


"Woah, that was quick." Xiu-Ying had proclaimed to herself as she clicked on the new notification on the computer. 

"From Adthought.." 

"I have to check this immediately!" She thought to herself.

"You have been rejected for Adthought."

Xiu-Ying's face quickly broke into a disappointed and surprised one, but any observer could find the humor within it.

"WHAT...? How could they reject me so quickly, I had literally just applied..!!"

Xiu-Ying grabs a flower cushion on her bed and goes to lay down. While embracing the cushion, she thought to herself.. "This isn't good. What if I were to get really into blogging? Is the gratification from just publishing a post more than receiving a paycheck for it at the end of the week?"

She squeezed the cushion tight and winced her eyes with the same tightness as well, as she didn't want to lose the passion for her blog posts.

Xiu-Ying looked at the Cinnaheaven uniform that was now hanging up on her closet. 

"It's not that the experience of me wearing those incredible clothes were underwhelming.. maybe I just need more variety in what I write about for now on, besides Cinnaheaven clothing..!"

She got up and put the cushion to her side.

"Okay. If Adthought doesn't want me.. then that's ok!"

Her fist naturally balled as she experienced a determined emotion. 

"I know that I want my posts to be around, and I have many more interests besides adorable clothing, so let's get writing!!"

The tip of her tail wagged a bit cheerfully.

She looked around her room, such as the bookshelves, desk, and posters and gathered her thoughts on what she could start to write about.

She let out a long sigh before retreating to the comfy abode otherwise known as her bed, once again.

"It'll all come to me naturally, like a summer breeze in the midst of July." she said to herself.

She briefly yawned before getting in the fetal position, in a comfortable sense. 

"I'm sure me, myself and my future audience will deeply enjoy whatever I write about.. so I just need to relax."

She leaned her head back on a nearby pillow, and quickly dozed off to sleep.

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