
My honest-to-god opinions on high guardian spice (Episode 1)


I'm finally watching this show that everyone in the world, and their dog seems to hate so much.

I never really hated it nor understood the hatred directed towards the show, to be honest. The art style seemed simple and cute but not overbearing in that nature, and it was really understandable, to see what they were going for.

These were my exact thoughts I had the moment I started the first episode: the voice acting isn't horrible and actually comforts me. It has the right amount of pacing that I expected MLP G4 to have.

No, I'm not writing this to just feel special as if I'm the only one in the world who doesn't hate this show. I wanted to express my opinion on it just like how everyone else is.

Looking at the pink haired girl, it looks like they managed to make Madoka's design, even cuter.

So far this show feels like a beautiful mixture of Madoka Magica and Little Witch Academia. Let's do this. This is my thoughts on the first episode.. so yeah. 

I think so far I adore this show because it reminds me of my own characters, concept and writing? You might say to yourself, "oh don't insult yourself like that" but my work has been critiqued before, pretty harshly. I strongly believe all of the hatred towards this show is due to the show's art style, it doesn't look like another generic anime with 4K lighting and whatnot. 

When Rosemary hugged her family for being so proud of her for getting into what seems to be a academy of her choice.. I couldn't help but maybe wanting to cry myself due to how precious and wholesome that scene was. I feel as though that maybe I finally found the perfect show for me in a sense. It was comforting in the right ways without trying to force it onto me, like Steven Universe trying so fucking hard to be objectively comforting and all and it just came off so forced.

The dialogue is a bit too direct, that it starts to come off as a children's show, but it's okay. I see no problem with it, so far. 

I really love seeing the details from far away and etc. It's actually motivating me to create some animations, finally 0.0 

Not aggretsuko, not animation masterpieces, but high guardian spice is. that's a green flag in my book.

I feel like a lot of the haters that attack this show are like, cruel because they simply are probably super out of touch on how it's like to create animations, character designs and other similar aspects. Oddly enough, this show gives me a bit of hope too. For myself.

It's funny how this show with such a small fanbase had made me incredibly happy in it's first few seconds. It changed one person's life, and that was me. I can' wait to just watch more and more of it. The friendship between the pink haired and blue haired girl (so what if it was inspired by madoka magica?) reminds me of the friendship I had with my best friend in middle school. Also, Rosemary's sword is so sick hahaha >w<

Sometimes I feel like it's really difficult to find a art style, so the art style reminds me of some of my earliest work as a artist as well, but it's not a bad thing, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everything. The backgrounds are exceptional and phenomenal as well. Wow!

It honestly physically hurts me to hear people not like this show. The introduction theme is amazing, my jaw fell down and it's so comforting and amazing. It sounds similar to songs from the past, like the 2000s, but it manages to have it's own identity, somehow. I wanna see more! >w<

OMG THE BLUE HAIRED GIRL AND ROSEMARY ARE HOLDING HANDS. HOW ADORABLE IS THAT? I can't believe I might be starting to ship them, but I don't really know how old they are. This is a LGBTQ+ couple I could actually see myself shipping that doesn't feel forced (cough cough, Steven Universe). I also like how there's not really much of a reaction from the blue-haired girl from Rosemary saying they'd sit on each other's laps at the same time.

I kind of find it funny how I don't enjoy Amphibia and the Owl House, but immediately fell in love with High Guardian Spice. The graphics are amazing EEE (I mean the backgrounds hahahahahha)

he reason why I was so hesitant to look at the show until now is because I didn't want to fall in love with it too hard.

This story is like super similar to this story I was writing in middle school, that I suppose got lost to the universe or something, I wrote it in 2018, lol.

The mean dark-skinned girl is not really evil for no reason... it's a realistic view of negativity.

Just found out the blue-haired girl's name is Sage!

Of course the pink haired girl likes strawberries, haha. I forgot if Madoka likes them.

I do appreciate how PDA is shown between possible couples that show that there might be a minor romantic connection between two characters subtly, instead of something that's like, too prominent in a view like in Steven Universe.

I have a feeling that there could be some inspiration from SU, since Rosemary finds her mother's sword precious, just like how (spoilers) Steven views his mother's sword precious as well.

My friend was obsessed with MLP. I think I found my MLP, lol.

Creature character designs are good good good!! :0

These creatures definitely aren't stupid, they are aweesoome! :3

Rosemary is if Madoka was a hilarious goof ball xD

Watching this show helps me realize that the world is more bigger than the depressing internet once again. Sometimes it feels like the negativity is overwhelming but that's just like, an illusion. It's all about perception and how it can change over time. -w-

I like how the story builds emotional aspects, although Rosie seems to move on from the necklace a bit too quickly. Ironically enough, just adding a bit more seconds BEFORE her rebuttal could help the scene feel a bit more fluent.

Sometimes I feel like the mixing needs a bit more work, as some voices overlap.

The ending is adorable, although the song feels a bit amateur-ish.

I don't know how old the characters are.. but I'm starting to wish I had the same opportunities of happiness that the characters get to experience. Oh well, i'll just keep on watching..

Thanks for reading this

Rating: 5/5

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