
Xiu-Ying & Her Blog: Episode 1

 Her pointed ears twitched as her paws clacked away on the keyboard of her ruby pink laptop. She moved the cursor via the trackpad to click on a button that read, "Create". 

"And.. done!" she said to herself, in her minimalistic peach colored room, with only a few pink artifacts within the surroundings of the room. 

She had a toothy grin that exposed her two fangs as she had just created her very first blog. 

"I always wanted to have something like an online diary.." she said to herself. 

"So many things happen in my day-to-day.. like going to school and experiencing the strangest of things, the mis-adventures as I'm running late for class.. and nonsense that the gods put me through during my time online."

She remembered when one of her sausage octopuses had suddenly squirted hot.. sausage oil at her somehow, it turns out that it was still so hot from being prepared extremely recently that the oil squirted towards her direction. 

Unfortunately, Xiu-Ying had always been alone during her time at school, due to her tall stature at times, but she recognized the benefits of it along with disadvantages. Her height didn't get in the way of one of her hobbies, dressing up in Japanese fashion. Fortunately for her, she had a medium-sized walk-in closet full of various colorful clothings from different brands all across one of her home countries - Japan. Even though her mother is Chinese, her father is Japanese and Scottish, and she identifies with her father's side the most due to him taking his time sewing new pieces of clothing together with her during her childhood, while her mother was busy at work being a nurse overseas. Xiu-Ying had grown up in Japan, and is still living there. 

Her father informed her that she'd be moving to America soon, but she can't imagine herself having an new identity that's not related to Japan at all. How would she be American? How do Americans even dress theirselves? She felt like she couldn't confide in her parents' perspectives because she believes that they would think she is thinking in a limited fashion. 

"Not only can I write about my daily life.. but I could archive these days before my big move to America." she thought to herself, as she subtly wagged her tail. 

She smiled with another toothy grin near the circular mirror near her laptop, to prepare herself to take a photo of herself for her blog, as there was nothing to be shameful about, and she's sure that her future readers would want her to be happy. 


She used her phone to upload it onto her newest website. She had curled her hair the moment before in her standard hairstyle that she always had done for school in the mornings. There was no dress-code regarding hairstyles~♪" she had always hummed to herself, while curling her hair as she locked eye contact with herself in the mirror. 

She always used to take selfies after her hairstyle was done, in her school uniform to admire her hard work, even if it took less than 10 minutes.. and she was always wearin the same clothing most of the time in these photos. She finally had somewhere to store them, now. 

One time she was walking to school when one of her classmates came up to her and said that her hair looked like a vertical infinite symbol. Xiu-Ying didn't really know what to say, but she remembered that doing her hair like this made her deeply happy inside, as it helped her stand out a bit from her other classmates, so all she could do was shoot up a peace sign and say "well, Joy is infinite~!" with her signature toothy smile. Even though she had received some awkward stares and question marks coming from the empty-minded individuals of the school, she didn't let it rain on her parade. Those reactions didn't spark a happy face from the people surrounding her though, which left some room for Xiu-Ying to feel a bit awkward. 

Now that her perfect blog was prepared, she tried to think of how she can prepare herself for America and it's people. She was just an ordinary person, living her life through the motions of the days quite simply. Not a super famous pop star or something. 

Her father always encouraged her to be in the spotlight, but Xiu-Ying tended to cower behind large building structures with her tail between her legs, not wanting to be the center of attention, even though inside, she deeply appreciated her father's gestures. Her father's name is Chester. 

So Xiu-Ying starting a public blog was the step in the right direction for some self confidence, and motivation to not be afraid to show her true self to the world,  no matter what cruel people could say or do to her. No matter what, she was still herself, and that is inherently invaluable.

Xiu-Ying's mother had always told her to never underestimate the value of being herself and being truly honest in life, whenever you are in an easy chapter or a quarreling chapter with the universe and it's gods. Xiu-Ying never really disliked, let alone hated herself. She was just struggling with the fact that she never really had many friends, and was always alone for some reason. She knew she had a lot of redeeming qualities, as she was a part of the Weasel Scouts growing up, that re-affirmed her confidence in her abilities and personal values - to be kind, that generosity was not a sin, along with other similar themes & lessons.

Still, she had built herself up to stand confidently in this bustling and ever-changing world, so why not log her days around, somewhere? It was during that chapter of her life, although a closed one that she realized that she had an inherit value, that's just within being yourself. Even though every person she met during those days had faded into the backdrop and never really lingered long enough to be her long term friend, she had realized that she can be of value to other people too, without necessarily being exploited in any sense of the word.

So, these were all of her motivations to start blogging. She could finally log the aspects of her not-so-ordinary days onto the internet, forever immortalized for one curious person or two to view. 

Xiu-Ying had always admired J-fashion because it expanded her understanding of colors and herself deep inside. Being born with snow-white pale fur and pastel pink ear fillings with dark highlights throughout her paw beans and the tip of her tail, she always thought she lacked some variety in her personal color wheel compared to other peers, even though that could be somewhat of a cruel comparison. 

Still, it was her personality and her soul that gave her the pride to be herself and be happy for it, not necessarily her appearance. 

She remembered a book that her mother gifted to her one birthday event, where you could decorate a plain looking girl with all sorts of stylish and flashy, elaborate clothes. She saw herself inside the ordinary girl, because that's all her mother ever wanted her to be. No one having the best time of her life. If anyone had advocated for Xiu-Ying's happiness the most, it was her father and herself. Xiu-Ying's mother wanted her to fall within a recognizable binary, nothing that stands out, even if it's inherit value is on display. Of course, there are both pros and cons to living such a life, but Xiu-Ying wasn't having it. Especially because she barely fit in social circles her entire life, and was always the odd one out. Wearing "flashy" clothing isn't to highlight how much she feels excluded, but being included helps her feel like she's validating her true value inside and she's included with a group of other people who know very well their own worth.

Xiu-Ying sat at her desk, looking down at the keyboard whose keys were highlighted with a white hue, inside and outwards, with her paws on her cheeks and elbows on the desk, wondering what her very first blog post could be about. It couldn't be just her face, being the entirety of a post. 

She then got an idea.

For her 12th birthday, she was able to purchase a gift for herself through the savings her father gave her throughout the months -- a Cinnheaven uniform coordinate. It caused a lot of pretty yen coins, like a lot.. but she was finally able to fulfill that personal dream of wearing something like that someday. 

She couldn't record her Japanese fashion journey from the very beginning, because she had been experimenting since primary school. Wearing her sailor school uniform top with designer skirts that were made for a casual loungewear, and taking photos with a micro camera that she got for her 9th birthday. She knew how adorable her sailor top was, so of course she'd try to experiment with the design of it paired with other clothing articles. 

She had never really owned anything elaborate before compared to this Cinnheaven pre-made coordinate. She took her time dressing up in it, and then stood in front of her full-length mirror. 

She could only make noises of surprise and arousal. "Wow.. I really look like a.. Cinnheaven princess!" she thought, as she twirled around and looked at herself in the mirror, while wagging the tip of her tail, an action fueled by pure excitement, gratitude and glee.

"Thank you kamisamas for blessing me with this outfit.." she said with a single tear scrolling down her right eye.

She looked at her face in the mirror and felt as though her face is a bit plain, since this outfit made her look even more than spectacular. She pulled out her makeup kit and carefully did a winged eye look, not necessarily in an amateur fashion because she practiced it many times before for family outings, and placed some purple blush on her cheeks. 

She genuinely blushed a hue of light pink underneath the manufactured purple blush of her cheeks.

"GYAAAAH, I LOOK SO CUTE!" she said as micro hearts spawned out of her body. 

"Welp, I suppose it's time to take some selfies, now!" she said to herself as she prepared her micro camera ready for photos. She held it vertical and sideways in all sorts of angles, but she always maintained a neutral expression because she believed that just being was the prettiest. She also didn't want to lie to the camera. 

"I promise to myself, that hopefully I won't find myself lying to my fans on my blog, no matter how bad I feel because they are all here for me." she said in the camera lens. She took one more photo before resting the camera down on her desk, not wanting to change out of this elaborate coordinate at all. 

"Well, now that's done.. I suppose I should write about my experience?" 

She looked at the url of the blog. It was: "xiuying777happyplace.frogger.com". 

She had placed 7 triple times in a row to bless herself with good luck and fortune throughout her blogging journey, and Frogger was the blogging platform that took the world by storm in the beginning of the 2020's decade.

She got closer to the desk and started to write.

"Dear diary..

I just tried on the Special sparkle Cinnaheaven coordinate for the first time in my entire life. It's beautiful, and it's materials and fabric are very comfortable and organized. I am eternally grateful for this mere experience of wearing something like this, so god, please bless my stars.

It costed around 15,000 yen. Fortunately enough, I was able to save just enough in time for my birthdate! ≽∩•⩊•∩≼

Here are some photos! 

*insert some art of her here in said coordinates*

Besides that, I believe that was the most exciting highlight of my day. Thanks for reading my entry..

I love life! JOY IS INFINITE! ≽∩•⩊<∩≼"

She hit enter and submitted it immediately.

"And just like that, I have published my first post!" 

She paused for a minute before putting her feet up on her princess-like foot cushion. 

"Well.. the excitement had kind of faded away." she said with saddened looking eyebrows.

"I remember browsing other blogs with all sorts of advertisements on the side of the screen.. maybe I should invest some time looking into that?"

she thought to herself. 


She grasped the front of her chest a bit. 

"More passionate work as a new-time, half-time blogger!" She said with a determined look with stars rotating in her eyes.

And so this was the start of a new way of life for Xiu-Ying. 

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