
Episode Review: PPG - Monkey See, Doggie Do


So I wanted to review like, every PPG episode because why not. There's nothing wrong with having this show being fresh in my memory. I mean, when I was younger, I could literally describe almost every episode with a title to associate with it. 

So this is like, a rewatch and a review at once. Yay

Alright so first up: The PPGs basically destroy more of the museum while they look for the stolen property for the museum's owner. The museum's owner faints, which probably adds onto his stress of having two valuables being taken away from his place. He was probably stressed that all of those pathways were destroyed 0-0 

I guess it's to show that these little girls are super overpowered, even in their "natural habitat" of their native city. The whole ordinary population of the city can't help but feel a bit flabbergasted and overwhelmed at the mere existence of them. Which does add onto the continuity of the PPG movie, that takes place BEFORE the whole series, sometime in 1997 or 1998, or maybe 5 years earlier? My memory is a bit fuzzy right now. Not in the Lumpkins sort of way, but you understand.

I would honestly prefer a PPG movie after the events of the main series, especially with a official inclusion with the Powerpunk Girls, but I guess.. that's what the.. PPG 2016 reboot did for the fans. shudders

Something that always irked me about the show is the fast pacing. They seemed to poke fun at it with the 2008 release, that was celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. You need to have a really good memory to remember.. well everything that just happened to be honest. 

Going back to the episode.. Mojo Jojo combines the jewels with the ancient dog sculpture to trigger the curse to make humanity worship him. Which does make you think.. who cursed these things in the first place? Whoever sculpted the dog head.. had humanity bowing down to them? That would be some interesting lore..

I get that it's not really necessary though.

It turns out... the curse turns humans into DOGS! The Powerpuff Girls are immune to it.. because they're super humanoids, or something. It's sort of funny how the PPG looks nothing similar to a lot of children in the show, by the way..

Sometimes I can't help but be curious if Townsville is a parody of a city that is pre-existing. Surely society has ironically gotten a bit better ever since this show came out.. when you'd think [from some close minded people] that it would've made society worse. I can say one thing, Townsville feels like a parody of my city, aha.

I like how the individual personalities of the girls are showcased here, especially more as time goes on. We get to see more of Bubbles' implusive yet gentle behavior when she's encountered by cute things, like tending to the Mayor even after her and her sisters just saw him turn into a dog right in front of their very large eyes..!

Who told the PPG to fight crime, anyway? I'm glad there's an episode on that a few years in the future. I feel inspired because it can inspire me to gather a lot of other ideas about my personal stories too, because it felt like so many people asked a lot of questions regarding the girls' mere existence and the gimmick of the show. Well, not exactly gimmick, but the focus?

Just being honest.. this episode seems like a furry's best dream.  I'm surprised I haven't read a self-insert fanfiction about some lonely human guy being turned into a dog for fun or something, because his life is just that miserable. I don't know..

I admit it was pretty funny to see the narrator getting turned into a dog as well. DOES THAT MAKE ME EVIL OR SOMETHING?! T.T

Please don't beat me up, Powerpuffs.. ;w;

I'm your number one fan-

Anyway. I don't know why I find it so funny that THE ENTIRE CITY is covered in a hue of red. Is this reign of terror that terrifying? LMAO.

Mojo Jojo's going to have to have a LOT of dog food... and the PPG is not going to be walking thousands of dogs everyday. They're like 5.. but they have crime to fight.

Cheese and rice. These dogs are so intelligent they can steal on command. Wow. Just, wow. Mojo Jojo really did it this time. O.k.

Bubbles is naive and gullible, and Buttercup has a short temper. I like how Blossom is pretty patient, though. Patient and intelligent.. the one thing I strived to be in my childhood, admittedly. A lot more kids could strive to be that way, too.

Dang it.

It turns out it was possible to turn the PPGS into doggos. To be honest, they look cute as dogs? I like the designs.. but no.. this isn't right. THERE SHOULD BE GIRLS AGAIN!!! HUMANOID GIRLS!! GET REVENGE!!!

Wow. that nostalgia rush of the action scene ramping up just hit me like a huge sugar shock.. as if I was drinking THIS. 

So this is what entertained me during my time after school. Wow. The action hook literally never gets old. Anyway.. go get 'em, girls!

Ironically enough, this doesn't make me hate the "Dream in Style" brand at all. Instead of the girls being dogs/animals, they should be fashionable, pretty and cool while they fight crime. That's just my opinion. There wasn't much of crime-fighting in the promotions for "Dream in Style" to be honest, there was more of a Harmony.

Thankfully.. Buttercup's impulsivity actually helped for once, and it caused the doggo head sculpture to break on top of Mojo's head. It turned everyone else back to normal earth-loving humans, and the crazed monkey.. into a dog. I like how the girls tried to keep him as a pet, what a perfect little scenario. 

Dang it, I was almost tricked into BELIEVING that the narrator was trapped as a dog, but he's not. 

Anyway, a happy ending for all.

This episode is really devastating, though, to the whole population. Even now, there are thousands of puppy girls on social media.... Isn't that just sad? The reboot cast failed our children. They could've been SAVED from the wrath of whatever-company-invented-korone. But no. Now there are.. thousands of Korones.

Donate 1 cent to save all of these girls..

Rating: 5/5

Bye, bye, boo.

-- Mod Harmony

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