
Subdued emotions


I should be freaking ecstatic and over the moon now that I got brand new headphones, Hatsune Miku-themed ones at that, but for some reason I felt numb. I felt excited writing the review, not so much unboxing it due to the complicated way it was packaged. It took me a solid 7 minutes to get it open. Enough complaining, though.

I wonder why I don't get super excited in life as much as I used to. I'm listening to the puffy amiyumi's debut album in America. It's a classic, yet mellow and calming rock sound that seemed to reflect my soul perfectly, all the time. I hope I can buy amiyumi, their first debut album as a whole, but this selection of songs is honestly perfect, especially because they had the Western fandom in mind, including the show writer. Anyways, I really do love listening to their accent as well as they pronounce the english words.

I finally got back that old feeling of wanting to grow up in the 2000's. Yep.. I was born during that era.. but didn't have a entire adolescence during it like so many other fortunate people, lol. 

I guess it's because I'm a adult now, and there's no turning back. I still wish my childhood was heaps better though, so I can stop feeling so uncomfortable. 

Oh well. This is the reality I'm living in, so it's best to try all your best to be present rather than absent, even though sometimes you can't really help it.

Bye-bye boo

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