
My scrapped Animal Crossing town idea

 I actually had an age regression town idea, and the town would be named Twinkeli. I would have to take my time on creating this town. It's just that, I tried my best to keep the name of the town a secret until I make notable progress on it. It's a original word I made up and I would be deeply uncomfortable if someone were to steal that name, even though they cannot make things as special as I could with that title name.

Anyway, I think what I desperately want to have is a Japanese copy of AC:NL. I desperately need to improve on my Japanese more other than Anki decks. I would also love to improve tons in conversational Japanese as well, so I would love to make livestreams of me studying Japanese while playing the game, with a notebook or a text document by my side. I might be better pre-recording the livestream, though. 

I feel like it's unhealthy for me to grind progress in New Leaf due to the overwhelming abundance.. of well, everything in the game. I feel like grinding is for New Horizons.

I have been desiring a Japanese 3DS for a few years now, so I'm going to get one fairly soon, a pink one with interchangeable faceplates. c: 

I've been meaning to complete a New Leaf town since middle school age. I would just like to complete something I dearly love.

Okay, now that I've completed the introduction, let me get into the meat and gravy of things, hehe :3

I made my town tune "PONPONPON" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu because it reminded me of better days and it cheered me up from a depression a few years ago. I might transfer it to my other town, Twinkeli or something, even though my AC:NH island is huge - there is a age regression playground somewhere on the island, along with a agere room. 

It's nice to play that game for the nostalgia of the early 2010's, and the dialogue literally never gets old. I heard that the Japanese version of New Leaf literally has hundreds or maybe thousands more unique lines of dialogue compared to the English version, so I'm really excited to enhance my Japanese learning journey and finally become more fluent.

About the villagers, I suppose they are OC's of mine that help me self explore myself. Maybe they are just alternative versions of myself, to be honest. 

This is where Melody Wu was born. I had a blog that would be the main home for SNOWY PROJECT, but I can't.  I can't write and I feel like I'm forbidden to talk about it due to the trauma of me having to delete my blog, and "moving on". 

Melody was born as a little half bunny half human girl with pink hair in January 2023 - the year of the bunny.  She's a Capricorn. She was going to grow up with the animals in Animal Crossing as they show her the way in that obscure forest, and gain best friends and beautiful memories. It's just that, I get demotivated in the game quite easily. Luckily, the 3DS doesn't really strain my eyes as much as my Nintendo Switch, but still.

The other players were her sisters and friends. They were also interested in J-fashion. I might illustrate all of them and call it a day, but I don't want to give up on that dream.

I guess that's it for now. So that's one of the backstories of Melody Wu.

- Cassandra-chan

- the end -

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