
how life was for me as a influencer

 at first, it felt really exciting and fresh, but then, i felt like it was more of a stressful burden on me. everything i posted, i felt like there was a guarantee that strangers would be looking at what i post, all the time and can look at it at any time. i get that's how the internet wholeheartedly works but you don't know what context people would be looking at your posts. it takes a lot of strength and self love to just find yourself saying that you don't care what other people have to say about you. you also have to be progressive on your own self discovery journeys for that to be a truth of your life. 

so yeah, it was tiresome after a few months in. i blocked a lot of people after realizing how insecure and strange their content honestly is, especially to me. 

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regarding fomo

 there's just no giant party that everyone is going to, every day and every hour. the party is inside of you, and it's up to you to ...