
[CREEPYPASTA] Cartoon Companies Exposed

Have you ever wondered what happened to those children that were featured in those television channels for children?

Their classmates never seem to hear from them again. Their families try to write them back, asking where is their child, sibling and niece, but nothing. They just take a fun trip to the studios and never return. Hopeful and wishful thinking enters the picture, believing that they're too busy being treated with food and candy, while they are being tested to be the target audience for old and new cartoons to broadcast on the channels.

This has been happening worldwide. In case you have forgotten, there has been more and more closure of cartoon websites, channels and less bumpers involving children in them, compared to the 2000's decade. The cartoon companies were running away from their immediate consequences. 

Cartoon companies are never proud to share the tracks used in their "bumpers" openly and publicly for some reason. That's because due to the whole company's obsessive and demonic nature, they remix and sample the screams of the children and involve it in the bumper music, because since working for the company is part of their everyday life, so is torturing those kids to act like how they want them to act for the television. 

Don't believe me? Well.. listen to this bumper in slow motion. 

It sounds like a kid screeching.. right? You can't hear it very well, because it's muffled by the sounds of "magic". This black magic that is used to produce hypnotic bumpers to keep you from leaving the channel, with confusing graphics but alluring colors. Disney Channel is at most guilty for that.

Isn't that disturbing?

I guess a light hearted view to this, is the innocence of the children being captured in these bumpers, by having them saying simple lines, or laughter. I guess this was before they tortured them to be amazing actors.

So yeah. What do you think of this... erm.. theory? Disturbing, right? 

Yep. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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