

 I just re-organized my entire room. I took some pointers from Feng Shui and placed my bed vertical towards the wall, before it was horizontal. Apparently, how my bed was before was a perfect feng shui placement but I wanted a change of scenery. I was satsified with how the bed came out, although I need to buy a net for my plushies.. putting them all in one corner of the bed wasn't exactly a good idea because they ended up on the dusty floor, and some of the plushies are pure white.

I feel tired because it's starting to sink in, inside of me that no matter how many nice things I buy (besides Japanese fashion and colored hair) I may not ever experience the happiness that I'm searching for. Some things are my fault, yes, but I feel like I've already been held accountable enough.

I'm tired but hopefully re-arranging my room has taught me something new. Although I'm still looking at the same surroundings, just re-arranged differently.

I don't think my brother deserves to see any of my belongings..

I hate how I can never finish anything. My brain becomes full of a fog of sorts and things have to be ended in a incomplete sense. I took a break from the laptop for a few hours and that made me realize how micro-obsessive I was being with a lot of things. I'm glad I took the break, even if being on your computer idlely is fun.

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