
PUFFY AmiYumi Reprise

    PUFFY AmiYumi Reprise is my concept for an additional season for PUFFY AmiYumi. This is my first time writing such a thing, so I hope that you will enjoy it.

It takes place in 2002-2005. The girls are in their 20's.



- I guess I naively believed that Ami's natural hair color is brunette. Her hair color is either black or brunette, it's a dark color ever since they debuted. So, I added brunette roots to her hair when she dyed her hair pink for the show and for advertisements. c:
Design alt. choices:
- Brunette with pink highlights mixed in + loose wavy hair
- Curly brunette with black hair
- Curly back of hair with straight bangs (brunette)

- Self explanatory from the art provided. 
Design alts. choices:
- Highlighted light brunette hair on bangs with medium brunette hair

I wanted to prioritize their natural hair colors because giving them colored hair feels very illogical to me. So yeah.

Here is some semi-realistic art I made:
Ami is on the left, and Yumi is on the right.
Tried to emphasize Ami's rounded eyes, and Yumi's unique eye shape.

Okay now that I got that out of the way.. let's see what episodes I can write.

I want to feature:
- More instances of Julie

I want to try re-animating some clips of the show in this style before I write original episodes, I guess I'll write up to 13 episodes (each season has 39 segments.. so I guess that's 3 episodes/shorts per episode). I'm surprised at how little and small the amount of episodes are for the series, but it's... mediocre.. not good enough. :<

Basically, it's 3 shorts per episode. It's 8 minutes long of a short. Each episode is 24 minutes long.

Maybe this is a "what-if" HHPAY was targeted towards an audience of +14 year olds rather than +7 year olds.

Until I re-animate something, this will be an incomplete blog post for now.

Episode ideas::
  • The writers room of the original series tries its best to be original with its ideas, but fails miserably time to time again. At least they are making memories with how hard they worked on the design of the girls..? It's also animated in a cartoon-y way (well.. of course) and it's revealed that the girls in their redesign are watching it. They turn to each other, then turn the TV off.

- Cassandra-chan

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