

❀ I need to find a way to be more productive overall. I spent a few hours sleeping even though I'm not necessarily tired, because I've been fatigued. Recently, I've been struggling with heat strokes even though my mother says that "summer is already over". I almost fainted twice in my sleep, and once in public. 

I've been feeling under the weather mentally. There's a lot of things that people don't need to necessarily know about me. I just hope that everyone who is a fan of me, enjoys what I will create and have created.

I feel capable of animating, but that doesn't mean that I will animate all the time, even though i have an animated series or two I can be working on. I'm also in university, so please be patient with me.

Sometimes it scares me to see how much people live through their art, but maybe I should just be inspired, because I'm not going to be the same person forever, I mean, I'm not the same person I was 9 years ago, although sometimes I miss how I used to be. 

I hope that my animated series will make me happy for many years to come. I also realize that my blog isn't exactly a rudimentary blog, where I talk solely about information, my progress in art and a showcase of it, I write about my feelings too, but I really do need this space.

So I've been working on Pastel Rascals, and I fortunately was able to receive feedback from one of my dear friends, so that was nice of them. 

I'm worried that my mental health might be so overwhelming that even blogging feels overwhelming for me. I love to share my thoughts, especially with people that apparently care about me and what I do for a passion, so yeah. Please keep any rude thoughts and comments to yourself.

Well, that's it. 

See you later.

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regarding fomo

 there's just no giant party that everyone is going to, every day and every hour. the party is inside of you, and it's up to you to ...