
Just Stop.

 No, not the commentary youtuber.

I finally realized what I needed to do. Create. Create even if the concept is small or very large. Draw. Write even if the premise is completely confusing or irritating to others. I need to be more self indulgent for crying out loud. I still feel myself holding back and I really wish I didn't. I can draw practically anything so why can't I just enjoy myself and my talent while I'm still here?

I got inspired by, of all things, MrEnter's book. I was inspired by the art of the protagonist wearing to be what looks like to be a magical girl-esque outfit. She wears several of those. Although I'm not really a fan of hyper simplified artwork, it was charming enough to inspire and move something within me.

I shouldn't have asked for criticism because the advice I received practically crumbled any excitement and fun I would be having with the story if it wasn't for their lame advice.. now my story is parked in a dead end instead of nearing it's completion as a manga because they recommended it to be written like a novel, first. Sometimes you just need to draw proof-of-concept illustrations.

That's it for now..

- Sweet Kuroneko

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