
Dear Friend

 Do you even remember your past? Those days when you played Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Metal Gear. I used to think you were so kind, cute and cool for playing all of those games. Do you remember all of those summer, fall and winter nights that we spent staying up talking to each other about whatever, but most importantly about cute guys and whatever? I guess I am somewhat the cruel one, because all of my memories from 2016 and onward were wiped. I was doing it for protection, after a sensation of being stalked. I hope that you can remember those days. It feels like the person you once was, got wiped away forever, and the save data is forever lost. You became more harsher at times, and more abrasive. You tried your best to be a good rolemodel for me, considering how much older you used to be. I missed who you used to be. You might think I might be blinded by nostalgia, or even projecting a wish on how I hoped for you to be like, but I just hope that you remember those days. I'm just scared what color hue is it colored now.

Thank you for giving me the time of day.

Love, RIPChiaki 

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Xiu-Ying & Her Blog -- Animated Intro

 The intro to Xiu-Ying & Her Blog is finally complete!