
inuit family -my original cartoon-

note: "inuit family" is a working name.


Penelope "po"

our main protagonist. a gentle and kind girl, who likes to spend long hours outside in the snow. she likes cooking.

appearance: she has dark black hair in loose pigtails. she has tan skin and bunny shaped hair ties. there is a flower band around her waist, and there is flowers in the palm of her gloves. she is wearing black tights underneath her winter boots.


our second protagonist. a boy who wouldn't mind carrying out business such as hunting and training sled dogs for a ride, but also likes to relax and take things easy. 

appearance: he has long black hair that covers his eyes. he has pale skin. 

Asteria "Aura" Cho

the enemy of the protagonists. she lives with her parents on this isolated cold land. asteria wants to be a better person, but can't due to her family's influence. she wants to be kind and gentle like po but can only act out of jealousy. she is always trying to steal something from po and lin. her family is not born in this area like po and lin, they came here for research and to "excel the world's knowledge of them".

asteria's family excelled by just being cruel and intimidating the kind fellow peers they had. they saw po and lin's homeland as a family vacation spot. too bad reality had other plans.

she wants lin all to herself, she basically feels entitled because she's a girl. po has no reaction to this antic, because she just has to think of all of the memories of holding lin's hands.

appearance: she has light blue hair with black bubbles in her hair, and pale skin.


the meeting

po is drawing a flower in the snow when something eclipses it. she looks up, and there is a boy around the same as her. this startles po and she starts to cry, and lin panics and gives her a delivery - fish meat shaped in a shape of a heart. she calms down as she eats a piece and blushes calmly. po starts to grab some snow, and poke a few holes into it to make a "cookie". lin couldn't help but shyly smile at her happily because she was innocent, but cute. they begin their journey together, and they finally stopped being alone.

the birthday

penelope celebrates lin's birthday. they are wearing long hats that drag from the back of their head. she borrows a lighter that her mother left behind for her. however, they made the bad and unintelligent decision to light the dessert underneath the roof of the igloo, and as soon as they light it, the entire igloo melts. fortunately, this is related to po's birthday gift for lin, a trowel. so, they spend the rest of the day trying to make a brand new igloo, but first, lin had to comfort po because she lived in this igloo her entire life, and that was all she had known, all of her memories were from there.

the visitor

a big plane flies over their arctic land of space. at first, this both scares the protagonists and fuels them with curiosity. fortunately, they discover that it's a harmless girl, surprisingly alone, who came to visit this place after her father said he was on a business trip there. she wasn't dressed pretty well for the weather, because he said he had a warm igloo and everything. the characters never seen her father there before, so they give her adequate clothing. because she seems completely abandoned, they decide to adopt her, first as their daughter, but then as penelope's new sister. saying that she was a daughter made po faint, so they have to classify her as a sister. suddenly, a new plane flies over and a woman who looks like a more mature version of emily comes out of the plane. she grabs emily by her ear back to the plane, but po and lin get a explanation for who she is - she's emily's mother. she was searching all over the world for emily, and she took her home before she can even spend a week there because she doesn't want her daughter to forget her heritage. emily did say her goodbyes though before flying away.

the unfairness /asteria stole the precious bread

po was able to remember a childhood bread recipe before her mother disappeared into the vast forest. po and lin try to bake it. they take a break and leave the bread out to cool down on a table outside. asteria comes out of the bottom of the ground and cuts a circular space out of the ice, and comes out of the ocean and takes off her snorkling gear. she grabs the bread which shocks po, but lin is determined to his very core to get the bread back.

in a chase scene, asteria get trapped in a hole upside down. po and lin try their best to keep running away, until they realize that this character is still trapped in a hole. they start to catch their breath until asteria's mother pulls her out of the hole, and then the chase scene repeats until the characters go back inside their igloo. they forgot to grab the bread, so lin grabs a fishing rod and was able to hook it back into their home right before asteria and her mother are able to grab the bread.

they break the bread and happily eat it while asteria and her mother pathetically go back home, and have nothing back of any worth to report to the scientists overseas.

topics and why i want to tackle them

a lost of culture. - i generally feel like i don't have a lot of understanding of my inuit culture because a lot of things are shrouded in history. i feel like my grandparents are desperately trying to reclaim their culture back and what they lost, but the trauma might be too complicated for them to truly regain theirselves. so i guess i want to shed light on the people that want to take it away from the rightful owners. it appears to be a real enduring world issue and it can lead to a loss of identity in the right individuals. people know that these cultural artifacts are valuable and people may try to steal them so they can also be identified with their culture and move on within their life as that, and ignoring how completely disrespectful it is. so that might happen in the show, i just hope to execute this idea well.

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