
I wish I can return to the past

 I wish I can return to the past, when we could talk about anything and easily make you laugh. Before racists tried to ruin everything. I miss that feeling of mutuality we used to have, and I loved being around you. I was able to let go of the person that reminded me of you with ease. I really miss those days. I miss them a lot. Change is part of life though, and I guess you really aren't meant to be part of my new life. I guess.. I love you? I never thought I'd find myself saying this, though. Well, thanks for the kindness. I can't promise that I'll always remember you but you'll always be within a piece, a apartment unit of my heart. Goodbye now

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regarding fomo

 there's just no giant party that everyone is going to, every day and every hour. the party is inside of you, and it's up to you to ...