
What's one thing that can be fun for me?

 As tweeted, I feel like I don't really have a lot of fun anymore. If blogger goes under, then I would just be sitting around all depressed. 

What are some things and activities that are fun for me that I generally need to do more?

• coloring books

• trying new bubble tea flavors

• writing (I guess I need to see it as more of a commitment than a hobby if I want to write more consistently)

I'm sure there are others too, but it's full of things I've never done before. Like, go-karting. 

Not even video games really entertain me for long. It feels like a big tiresome commitment. Plus I still need to get my nintendo switch joycon repaired. Oh well, I think I'll be getting a PSP tomorrow so hopefully that can cure me. Id be looking at just the display all day and night lol

I guess that's it for now.

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